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Berlin Representation: Popular interactive brochure for children is back

Responding to demand from the general public, a fully revised version of the Berlin Representation's popular brochure for children is now available. The updating and re-ordering of "Europa kinderleicht", now in its 8th edition, proves that the product remains extremely popular with children, parents and educators alike.

"Europa kinderleicht" cover

date:  02/03/2017

"Many teachers, EDICs and public services asked for this brochure while it was out of stock. We have now printed 61,000 copies with the Publications Office", explains Nadine Böttcher, publications officer of the Representation in Berlin. "This results in a price per copy of just 72 cents", Böttcher explains, which is, in her opinion,  "money well invested for the education on Europe of our younger citizens."

"Europa kinderleicht" (or "Europe easy peasy" in English) is an interactive play and craft book for 9 to 13 year olds. While enjoying the games contained in the brochure's 50 pages, the children also learn about the geography, the history, the population, the languages and the culture of Europe. A lot of craft activities, quizzes, riddles and tasks make the brochure an entertaining – as well as educational – product.

The new edition has been considerably updated. It now features information on the new permanent exhibition "Erlebnis Europe" ("Experience Europe") in the European House in Berlin, while some texts have been improved, and figures updated. "All in all, there were about 100 changes", Thomas Hoffmann from the Commission's regional office in Munich explains.

The new edition will be available in all German EDICs, and it will also be available for online orders and for collection at the "Erlebnis Europa" ("Experience Europe") centre in the building of the Representation. Given the popularity of the brochure, Böttcher is realistic: "It will be out of stock again very soon, but this is our European contribution for primary schools in Germany".

There is more good news for fans of the product in Germany: more versions of "Europa kinderleicht" are in the pipeline. Several Federal Länder (Regions) are preparing regionalised versions for use in their territories.

The brochure is available for download from: