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‘Your Europe, Your Say!' 2021: together for the climate!

From 18 to 20 March 2021, the European Economic and Social Committee is holding its flagship event for young people, ‘Your Europe, Your Say!'. The theme of this 12th edition – organised in the form of an online conference – will be climate change.

Anna learns a new language

Anna has just arrived in a new country with her parents and younger sister. It's the first day of school and she's feeling very nervous. In the school playground, the other children are speaking a language she doesn't understand.

The Treaty of Nice

Nearly 20 years ago, on 26 February 2001, the leaders of the 15 Member States at that time signed the Treaty of Nice.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, inaugurated by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2015, is celebrated each year on 11 February. It reminds us that women and girls play an essential role in the scientific and technological community and that their involvement must be promoted.

Your opinion is important to us!

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Communication has launched a comprehensive study to help it to optimise its learning materials on Europe for children and young people aged 5 to 18.

Match the pairs of flags

The European Union, represented by a blue flag with 12 stars in the centre, is today made up of 27 countries, each with its own national flag. See if you can match each of these 27 flags and their pairs.

Portugal heads the Council

Every six months, each Member State of the European Union takes turns holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. On 1 January 2021, Portugal took the reins. Against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, its agenda for the European Union highlights the fight against poverty and unemployment, combating climate change, and the digital transition.

International Day of Education

On 24 January, the world celebrates the International Day of Education, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2018 to highlight the contribution of education to peace and development.

Vaccination: our best chance of returning to normal

Vaccination is our best chance of returning to normal after the coronavirus pandemic. To help us get there, the European Commission has signed contracts to buy vaccines being produced by several pharmaceutical companies.

EU Energy Policy

In Europe, energy is ubiquitous in our daily lives, supplying power to everything around us without us even realising it: heating for our homes, lighting for our buildings, power for public transport, enabling us to play video games, re-charge our smartphones, and so on.

Thematic board games

To entertain your students and play as a family during the Christmas holiday period, there is nothing quite like a classic board game.

Panel of teachers: an invaluable asset

Did you know that the teaching material available in the ‘Learning Corner’ has been discussed, revised and improved by a group of teachers from all EU countries?

Make your fortune teller

This colourful fortune teller, available in 23 European languages, will allow your younger pupils to test their knowledge of farming and food.

New Pact on Migration and Asylum

The European Commission is proposing a fresh start on migration and asylum: improved, streamlined procedures giving people who are entitled to stay in Europe the means to build a future matching their ambitions.

Decoding coding

At a time of IT and teaching online, if you are interested in introducing your pupils to programming and digital literacy, you will find here a whole range of activities to help them to learn new skills.

Brochure "The European Union - Facts and figures"

‘The European Union – Facts and figures' is a brochure created by the Council of the European Union, available in 24 languages. It contains explanatory pages for each EU country, with numerous details, such as their official language, area, national day, political system, etc., as well as some amusing trivia about them.

EU Pioneers

The European Union as we know it was not created from one day to the next. It was the result of a long process requiring the energy, motivation, involvement and commitment of some visionary leaders.