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Energy labelling requirements for computers

The Regulation aims to help consumers choose the most energy-efficient computers by using a scale from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). The energy label will also provide other useful information on durability and reparability.

Accelerate your city's climate neutrality journey!

The Mission Platform is now extending part of its support to any European city aiming to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. By sharing your insights, you will play a crucial role in guiding the development of the initiative, ensuring the support is tailored to meet the unique needs of each local communities!

LIFE in plastic, it’s (not) fantastic

“Planet vs Plastics” was this year’s Earth Day theme, and a call to reduce our global plastic consumption by 60% by 2040. Two LIFE projects are demonstrating innovative methods of recycling and reusing Europe’s plastic waste.

The volcano where CO2 emissions are being turned to stone

The EU-funded CarbFix2 project recently tested and upscaled groundbreaking carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. What makes CarbFix2’s innovation unique is that captured CO2 is dissolved in large volumes of water, and then permanently stored underground in the form of rock.

Last chance to enter our photo competition!

If you haven’t submitted your best climate action shot yet, you have until 1 July to do so! All you need to do is capture climate action in your home, community or city, choose your favourite photo, craft a creative caption, and send them to us. Top winners will have the chance to feature in an international media campaign, and have a place in a photo exhibition in Brussels and at COP29!

A beach clean-up success: over 90 helping hands and 50kg of trash

Ambassador Marina Gavrilaki brought 95 people together for her ‘Phyis After Sun’ event on a beach in Palaio Faliro, Greece, on 6 April. They removed 50kgs of rubbish from the shore. “Overall, the event helped reduce Mediterranean beach pollution and engaged the community in environmental stewardship,” Marina told us.

“We discussed how important it is to preserve our oceans, to teach that to children from a young age and to try every day to keep our beaches clean. We also collected data for the World Wildlife Fund’s Adopt a Beach programme.”

The successful event was a team effort in more ways than one, with NGO Physisorg, Athens University of Economics and Business, and other partners supporting the clean-up.

A powerful project from a young changemaker

Czech Ambassador Jakub Nekvasil is the young innovator behind Telperion, an inspiring project aiming to raise awareness about climate change and ignite action. Focusing on young people, the project team organises programmes for schools, scouts and the general public called ‘Climate Days’ (Klimatické dny).

In February, Jakub and his team coordinated a two-day event at Klausova Elementary School in Prague, reaching 80 students.

A climate podcast to add to your playlist

Ambassador Juan Carlos Navarro hosts the 'The Garden of the Hesperides' podcast. After completing a sustainable education programme, he started the Spanish podcast (now on its fourth season) back in 2022. Each month, Juan and his co-host delve into climate topics, with a regular feature called 'climate dictionary', and often invite other Climate Pact Ambassadors to join the conversation.

Check out the podcast

Spring begins with climate walks and talks!

These are stories of local climate activities from three different corners of Europe, each touched by climate change: Spain, Greece, and Italy.

•  Spanish Ambassador Jesus Iglesias Saugar led a climate walk in Aranda de Duero, in Burgos, Castilla y Leon. "We talked about regenerative agriculture and viticulture, urban rewilding (creating biodiverse and interconnected green areas), social movements, economic localisation, nature-based solutions and other levers for climate action and justice, always from a rural repopulation perspective,” he explained. When asked what they took away from the walk, the participants cited the need to empower people around them to act locally and understand the importance of individual and collective climate action.