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European elections

Between 6–9 June 2024, millions of Europeans will participate in shaping the future of European democracy on the occasion of the European elections. It is a unique moment when we can all collectively decide on the future of the European Union, and an excellent opportunity to have your say on topics you care about!

5 things you should know about electric cars

Did you know? Transport is responsible for one quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, and road transport makes up 70% of that amount. These emissions primarily come from petrol and diesel cars.

Mission Adaptation calls

In April, the Commission adopted an amendment to the 2023-24 Horizon Europe Work Programme mobilising previously unallocated funding to increase the 2024 budget by nearly €1.4 billion to €7.3 billion. This amendment includes an investment of nearly €650 million in the EU Missions, of which €124 million has been made available for the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change.

F-gas reporting - new format

The Commission would like to hear your views on how to align the reporting format of a specific implementing act with new reporting obligations under the F-Gas Regulation.

Clean and secure energy thanks to new market reforms

Consumers across the EU will now be able to have more stable energy prices and less dependency on the price of fossil fuels, thanks to major reforms of the EU electricity and gas markets. At the same time, the EU will boost the development of hydrogen and other decarbonised gases.

EU prepares for the 2024 wildfire season

Summer is almost upon us. That means barbecues, beaches and ice cream, but the reality is, it also means bracing ourselves for the upcoming wildfire season. That is why the EU has taken proactive measures to bolster firefighting efforts in order to better protect our communities and the environment.

New Environmental Crime Directive comes into force

New rules to protect the environment through criminal law entered into force on May 20. The law provides a comprehensive and up-to-date list of environmental offences addressing the most serious breaches of environmental obligations.