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Getting to know the LULUCF Regulation | Instagram

Agricultural land and forests have the ability to capture and store #CO2 and help us combat climate change, if managed right. That’s what the EU’s revised land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) regulation is for. Watch our video to learn more on the topic!

How climate change is impacting water and health | X

Climate change is impacting our water and health, floods, droughts, impaired water quality 💧 A new @EUEnvironment report zooms in on examples from across 🇪🇺 while offering practical proposals to protect people, prosperity and planet 🌍 Hit the "more" button below, check out our post, and find the link to the report!

5 animals heavily impacted by climate change | LinkedIn

From the Arctic to subtropical waters, rising temperatures and extreme weather events are hurting the natural world. Some animals have gone extinct due to the climate crisis. And according to an EU study, simulations predict a dramatic end-of-century loss of diversity if we don’t reverse course now. The EU is putting biodiversity on the path to recovery by taking rigorous climate action, protecting nature and reversing the degradation of ecosystems.

Small local climate action with big impacts

Italian Ambassador Luciana Favaro and a friend are taking part in the Venice Municipality’s ‘Adopt a Flower Bed’ initiative to care for a large public green area near an art exhibition. What is their project? They are planning to plant a vegetable garden to grow food and host climate walks for students.

In Luxembourg, Pact Ambassador César González Fernández is one of two people behind ‘Clean Something for Nothing’, an initiative to create a litter-free world. On the recent Earth Day, César organised a climate-walk clean-up with 26 enthusiastic participants (first and second photo).

"Together, we collected an impressive 81.7kgs of litter, demonstrating our commitment to environmental stewardship... Through this activity, people from different backgrounds, religions, origins and sensibilities all united forces to improve our neighbourhoods and promote sustainable living.”


Maybe you’ve swapped driving for cycling, found an innovative way to reduce your energy consumption at home, or led an activity or event that raises awareness about climate change? You have until 28 June to submit a photo and caption answering these questions: What climate action have you taken or noticed around you, in your home, community or city? Why does this make you proud or passionate?

Voting for the climate: Useful insights from our Ambassadors

With the European elections just around the corner, from 6-9 June, we all have a chance to shape the future of the European Union. We sat down with Climate Pact Ambassadors to talk about voting for the climate – what it means, why it’s crucial for our planet, and how we can go about it.