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New WWF report on MSP in the Baltic Sea

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has assessed nine maritime spatial plans from around the Baltic Sea, developed by eight different EU countries and one autonomous region, to measure and compare the degree to which they comply with the principles of ecosystem-based management. Read more about this analysis, its conclusions and identified paths for progress.

New solutions for funding Europe's energy transition

This updated CORDIS Results Pack features 13 EU-funded projects that have set a new dynamic for accelerating and upscaling private financing of energy efficiency investments across the EU, as well as making such investments much more attractive to investors. Check the online version to learn more about the projects!

Capacity4MSP: new report and policy brief

Capacity4MSP, a practical and interactive collaboration platform for MSP stakeholders, recently published a new report synthesising the knowledge gained from various MSP projects and MSP practices within and beyond the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) in order to supplement EU, pan-Baltic and national commitments towards a well-functioning MSP in the BSR by 2021. Click the link for more.

Integrating an ecosystem-based approach in MSP - EC study

The “Study on Integrating an Ecosystem-based Approach into Maritime Spatial Planning” was launched by the European Commission and carried out by a team coordinated by Milieu Consulting with ACTeon, the Baltic Environmental Forum and Wageningen University, supported by Fresh Thoughts Consulting and GRID-Arendal. The main objective of the study is to assess the state of play in the practical application of an Ecosystem-based Approach (EBA) in MSP and to develop a practical method and toolbox that can support the application, monitoring and evaluation of EBA in MSP.

New publication: Harmonizing maritime spatial planning data across Europe

The European Commission’s Technical Expert Group (TEG) on Data for Maritime Spatial Planning is pleased to share the newly published ‘Proposal for making harmonized MSP plan data available across Europe. Results of the work of the Technical Expert Group (TEG) on MSP data’. In connection with these recommendations, the Assistance Mechanism for Implementation of MSP, in partnership with the TEG and EMODnet invites EU Member States to request support, should they have need, in connection with the newly published recommendations, including the possibility of organising training session for EU Member States.

Reminder: EU MSP reports on offshore and multiuse

The European MSP Platform published over the last months to reports focusing on fisheries, aquaculture and offshore windfarms coexistence as well as best practice guidance in multi-use issues and licensing procedures. Make sure to download these on our website.

Maritime Spatial Planning: Multi-Use Issues and Licensing Procedures

In response to the increasing demands and pressures for maritime space, the benefits of multi-use have been demonstrated by a number of projects. This technical study by the European MSP Platform highlights existing initiatives and forms of multi-use at sea in Europe and provides proposals to reduce licencing obstacles to its deployment. Based on best practice, this technical study provides tools for the implementation of CMA Goal II: A competitive, innovative and sustainable blue economy for the Black Sea, through the development of synergies between blue economy sectors.