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Meaningful partnerships with real economic backing

Meaningful partnerships with real economic backing will be key for the green hydrogen revolution. Dr. Thomas Hillig (THEnergy) explores what is at stake and outlines innovative approaches to finance 'the new oil' in developing countries.

Policy Conference extension

Following feedback from our community, the deadline for policy sessions has been extended until 8 February. Please note that this applies only to the Policy Conference and the other calls will not be extended.

Keep your finger on the pulse

Keep your finger on the pulse of the latest energy developments by reading these guest blog posts, written by our Digital Ambassadors.

Kees van der Leun

An internationally coordinated North Sea Offshore Energy system could provide the key elements for hydrogen power generation. Learn what this could mean for Europe’s energy independence, according to Kees van der Leun (Common Futures).

Luca Bertalot

Combining smart digital and sustainable solutions to change the market paradigm might be the digital jump that Europe needs for its clean energy transition. Read Luca Bertalot's (European Mortgage Federation – European Covered Bond Council (EMF-CBMC) & EEMI) insight on this topic.

Meet the winners of the Innovation Awards 2022

Meet the winners of the EUSEW Innovation Award 2022, MUSE GRIDS, who maximised renewable energy to bring energy independence to communities poorly connected to the electricity grid in Italy and Belgium.

Minoan Energy Community

Read about the Minoan Energy Community, who won the EUSEW Local Energy Action Award in 2022 for implementing renewable energy projects that bring clean energy to the island of Crete.

Andreia Carreiro

Discover how Andreia Carreiro, winner of the EUSEW Woman in Energy Award in 2022, has been advancing energy transition policies, projects and technologies in the Azores.


Keep your finger on the pulse of the latest energy developments by reading these guest blog posts, written by our Digital Ambassadors.

PLASMAR+: when MSP does comics

PLASMAR+ is a project which aims to promote the advancement of the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) process in the Macaronesian archipelagos (Canary Islands, Madeira and Azores) by developing new tools based on scientific and technological knowledge, as well as supporting the development of Blue Economy in this region. The project has released a new comics and a video to support its communication on MSP in Macaronesia.

Local clean energy transition

The projects in this Results Pack highlight activities that support cities with shorter-term implementation as well as long-term goals and ambitions for their clean energy transition. The aim is to accelerate adoption of energy efficiency measures, deployment of clean energy solutions and overall reduction of CO2 emissions at the local level.

Supporting the development of Europe’s geothermal energy sector

As a virtually unlimited source of renewable energy, geothermal is versatile, reliable and it does not depend on weather patterns. As such, geothermal energy is a serious and viable contender to help lever Europe into first place as a carbon-neutral continent by 2050.

New study on the relevance of MSPD in the EU Green Deal

A new study produced by Wageningen Research, Ramboll and Deloitte has been published toassess the relevance and effect of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive in the context of the European Green Deal and other relevant EU-level legislation.