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Data protection rules for external events

If you intend to take pictures during your external events, make voice or video recordings, offer web streaming or publish personal data online, you need to inform the participants. Please use the recently updated consent form, available on CINEAnet together with the data protection notice for external events.

Meet Fabio Cristofoletto

In our series of short interviews - ‘Meet your colleagues’ - this week we met Fabio Cristofoletto, Project Adviser in Unit B1. Let us know if you would like to be next!

CINEA awarded ‘Leader of the Energy Transition’ prize

The award was announced in the context of the Central European Northern Climate Summit in Warsaw (Poland) on 16 March. It is a symbolic prize that recognises the role of CINEA in supporting and promoting projects, technologies and services related to climate and environment that can be further disseminated.

CINEA Ideas box - have a peek at the first suggestions we received!

Have a look at the ‘Together @CINEA’ page - we’ve just published the list of ideas received so far together with an answer from the relevant service. Many thanks to all who took the time to send us ideas! We would like to keep this channel for new ideas to improve the way we collaborate and communicate in our Agency - please use the CINEA Service Desk for all other requests (e.g. incidents, support from HR, logistics, communication).

Join the #BiggestHourForEarth

Give an Hour for Earth on Saturday, 25 March from 20:30 until 21:30 by spending 60 minutes doing something - anything - positive for our planet. Could an hour change the world? Maybe not, but it can be the spark we need for change. An Hour reminding us to make all other hours count!

One full year with SUMMA at CINEA

Colleagues from several units and teams gathered on 15 March to celebrate one full year using SUMMA, the new corporate financial system. The system has been used in the Agency since January 2022 for transactions related to the operating budget. SUMMA will go live for the operational budget as from 1 January 2024.

Making water fit for LIFE

At the occasion of the World Water Day (22 March), the LIFE Programme highlighted its contribution to improve the quality of and access to clean water across Europe. Featured projects also support the EU's Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.

Inspire the EUSEW community with us!

Give a warm welcome to "Inspirational Fuel", a bimonthly collection of the best articles, publications, podcast episodes and movies regarding the energy transition. It will be shared on EUSEW social media platforms to spark curiosity and interests of the clean energy community. If you would like to help collecting ‘la crème de la crème’ that is out there, get in touch with us to share your ideas!

The EU in 2022

The 2022 General Report is out, looking back at the achievements and highlights of the EU over the past year. Have a look - several CEF Transport, CEF Energy and LIFE projects are also highlighted in the report.

Be up-to-date in the topic!

In this newsletter you can find the most relevant content on last month's Topic of the Month ‘Building's Life cycle Assessment (LCA)’ and be up to date on the topic!

Digitalisation in the Flemish construction sector

The kick-off event of the EDIH-EBE (European Digital Innovation Hub Energy in the Built Environment) highlighted the importance of implementing digital technologies to accelerate the energy efficiency transition in buildings.

March's best content

In this edition of BUILD UP's newsletter, you can find some of the most relevant contents of March’s Topic of the Month: "Digitalisation in the building sector". Check the whole content in our portal!


Each month, BUILD UP highlights content and publications that cover a specific topic, choosing it as the Topic of the Month. During June, we will focus on ‘Increasing energy efficiency and affordability for households'. We are eager to receive your discussion papers, news, and articles. Become a contributor now!

Modular factory in Erlenbach am Main, Germany

ALAS Architects designed the new headquarters of the Hemmelrath Technologies company. The building is part of the MoFa Building Project and consists of a turn-key product for customers who are interested in a sustainable and integral solution.

Expert Talk - Valeria Ferrando & Eduard Loscos

Check the Expert Talk with Valeria Ferrando, Associate Director - ICL Consultancy at IES Ltd, and Eduard Loscos, R&D Manager at IDP Engineering and President at Building Digital Twin Association, about Digitalisation in the Building Sector.

Technical Article - SENSEI’s eensight tool

The H2020 SENSEI project has contributed to the advancement of automated measurement and verification (M&V) methods by promoting a major change in the way practitioners approach the task of M&V, as well as by offering Eensight, an open-source tool to experiment with and test the proposed M&V methodology.