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Meet CINEA Blue Book trainees

Following a warm welcome to our 12 enthusiastic Blue Book trainees who joined CINEA on 1 March for a traineeship lasting until end July, we asked them to briefly share with us a few of their experiences, background, and interests.

Success of the first Swap party organised in CINEA

The results of the first CINEA Swap party organised by the CINEA Green Team in February are now out: an exchange of 50 clothing items and a collection of 70 kilograms of garments donated by colleagues that have found a new life thanks to Cyclup!

New call for proposals and info day to foster energy transition in fisheries

With €2.2 million from the EU Pilot Project Funds, the EU is planning to fund a demonstrator project of a retrofitted fishing vessel to foster energy transition in fisheries. The deadline to submit proposals under the Project and Preparatory Actions call is 11 June. An info day was also organised by CINEA in March to present the call context and explain the application process.

The European Maritime Day is back!

Registrations have just opened for the European Maritime Day. This is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet. CINEA is coordinating 3 pitching sessions, a workshop, and the EU Stand with project beneficiaries.

Junior Professionals Programme: Call of expression of interest is open

The call for expression of interest for the JPP edition #13 is open until 10 April at 12:00. Eligible staff coming from all the Executives Agencies can apply. The JPP is a professional development scheme for better integrating junior staff working at the Commission and EAs into the European civil service, by providing the necessary knowledge and skills through a comprehensive learning, development, and mobility programme.

Connecting Europe Days 2024 – the second CINEA story map goes public

The story map prepared to support the Connecting Europe Days (2-5 April) was made available to the public this week. This is the second story map that the Agency has deployed - a result of a collaborative effort involving Department B, Communication, Business Intelligence and IT teams. A big thank you to all the colleagues involved for their support in delivering this great tool!

New release of the EU Funding & Tenders Portal

The Portal is the one-stop-shop for EU funding and tender opportunities, and is now available in its new shape, bringing a range of novelties – a fresh look and feel, advanced search capabilities, tailored recommendations etc.

Meet Carmen Scioti

In our series of short ‘Meet your colleagues’ interviews, we met with Carmen Scioti this week, Community and Social Media Manager for EUSEW in Unit A1 "Programme support, coordination & communication". Let us know if you would like to be next!

2023 Staff Survey: The first CINEA results available

The 2023 Staff Survey corporate results as well as the results for all services including EAs are now available. We should receive results per Department at a later stage. The biennial survey allows the European Commission as a whole, and individual DGs and EAs, to understand staff concerns, needs and ideas for improvement - and then act on them. Read the short summary of our results on CINEAnet. The next step is to analyse the results in detail and discuss with CINEA staff and management. A dedicated ‘all staff’ assembly to present the survey results will be organised in the coming weeks.

Informing and engaging ahead of the 2024 European Elections

As part of the Staff Core values campaign, April will be dedicated to the value of “integrity”, defined in the Staff Core values as: “We strive for honesty, ethics and accountability towards our colleagues, the European Union, and its citizens”. To promote this value, CINEA is organising together with DG COMM and DG HR a hybrid presentation on "Informing and engaging ahead of the 2024 European Elections”. Check out the email to all staff sent by HR today for more information.

Proud to be CINEA Info-session

‘Working together to fund a green future for Europe: What was achieved in 2023 and what lies ahead in 2024’: an info session will take place on Wednesday 10 April, in the meeting room W910 - 00/41 and online via Teams. Check out the email to all staff sent by HR yesterday for more information.

Join the biggest hour for Earth

Get ready to shine a spotlight on sustainability because Earth Hour is just around the corner! On Saturday 23 March 2024, from 20.30 until 21.30, the European Commission will switch off the lights on the facades of the buildings. Please join the action by making sure your desk lamps, computers and screens are switched off when leaving the office today.

Cross-programme Feedback to Policy and Synergies

Want to learn more about the results of last year’s efforts to foster cross-programme cooperation and synergies at CINEA? Check out the 2023 achievements in the feedback to policy and synergies end-of-year report. Look out for what is planned for this year in the latest presentation of the Task Force and get access to final 2024 deliverables on the CINEA Knowledge Sharing Platform.

Virtual EU Science Policy Dialogue

Sister projects MOSAIC, PLUS Change and Europe-LAND join forces to organise the first virtual EU Science Policy Dialogue on sustainable land use. The event is on 16 April. Register here and secure your free virtual ticket.

What’s next on Maritime Spatial Planning?

Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) is the driver for common solutions towards the 2030 goals for the conservation and sustainable use of the Oceans. Last week, CINEA and DG MARE held two workshops with a spotlight on the most burning issues in MSP, with more than 300 experts and policymakers.

WaterWiseEU Campaign

Today is the World Water Day and DG Environment introduces its latest campaign, '#WaterWiseEU', aimed at shedding light on the escalating strain on Europe’s water systems and advocating for a collective shift in perspective towards water management. See water differently and contribute with your projects!

Welcome to our new CINEA Blue Book trainees

A group of 12 enthusiastic Blue Book trainees joined CINEA on the 1st of March for a traineeship which will last until end of July. Watch CINEAnet in the coming weeks for their presentations. We wish them all a fruitful and enjoyable traineeship!

CINEA office optimisation

Following the decision on the optimisation of office space, staff will move to their new offices as of 25 March. Six silent/meeting rooms on all floors (except BLS2 5th floor) will be available as of 15 April to host team meetings or to allow staff to concentrate on their work or to discuss confidential matters. There is a dedicated section on CINEAnet where you will find the final floor plans, the FAQ on office optimisation and the move planning.