ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Peter Kustor

  1. English
  2. English
Peter Kustor

Head of Department for Digital and E-Government - Legal, Strategic and International Issues, Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs

Working as Assistant at the Institute for Public International Law and International Relations, University of Vienna, from 1991 on, and practising as expert for public international law at the Federal Ministry of Defence from 1995, Peter joined the Federal Chancellery in 1998. There he worked with the Constitutional Service (from 2001-2004 as head of unit), mainly in the field of public and international as well as european law and in the field of legal information and legal informatics. Before becoming head of department for E-Government in 2005, Peter was heading a unit at the Chief Information Office at the Federal Chancellery. With the newly formed Government in Austria, issues of digitalisation and E-Government have been shifted from the Federal Chancellery to the newly formed Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs. There, Peter is Head of Department for Digital and E-Government – Legal, Strategic and International Issues.

Peter is acting as Austrian representative for issues of Digital and E-Government, legal questions of digitalisation and E-Government, trust services and eID and legal informatics in various EU-fora and international institutions.

He is lecturer at the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna, Austrian Academy for Public Administration and author of a number of publications mainly dealing with issues of public international and european law, legal informatics and E-Government.
