ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Louis Zezeran - conference facilitator

  1. English
  2. English
Louis Zezeran, photo by Höije Photography

Stand Up comedian and events host

Louis Zezeran is an Australian Stand Up comedian and events host based in Tallinn, Estonia. Louis was one of the founders of "Comedy Estonia" which introduced Stand Up culture to the country over 8 years ago and has now grown into a fully fledged events promotion and artist management agency working across Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. He grew up in a small coastal town in Australia and attended the University of Newcastle, gaining a first class Honors Degree in Computer Science and worked in the industry as a consultant and trainer for 10 years, specializing in enterprise integration services. Having left the world of IT consultancy behind, Louis now uses his public speaking and communication skills to lead tech focused conferences, combining both his broad technical and entertainment skills to provide a larger than life presence on stage when he hosts.