ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

EU Budget as Linked Open Data

  1. English
  2. English
EU Budget as Linked Open Data

Making the EU Budget more understandable and transparent

Linking data is the powerful next step in ensuring that data, once opened, is usable for a variety of purposes and to generate knowledge. To showcase the power of Linked Open Data (LOD), the Publication Office of the European Union converted the EU Budget (2016-2018) into machine-readable Resource Description Framework (RDF), as part of the ISA² 2016.18 action. It makes the EU Budget more reusable by the public with various expectations and skills (e.g. analysts, researchers, journalists) and contributes to more transparency of the EU.

At the EU budget as LOD stand, you can find out more about linked open data and explore the EU Budget interactive dashboard from various perspectives. Visitors can also try their hand at a short quiz, with questions that can be answered using the dashboard or the queries on the LOD page of the EU Open Data Portal.