ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

7th International Conference on eDemocracy - with the EIF workshop!

7th International Conference on eDemocracy

ICT innovations such as Big Data, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing as well as Intelligent Systems employed in e-Government services raise issues relating to Security, Privacy and Data Protection.

Governments want to integrate more services and enhance participation, but they have to convince the users that they can be trusted. At the same time e-Government services need to improve their efficiency and to do so they need to reengineer their back office processes, to support them with intelligent systems, but also improve openness, collaboration and citizen participation. This last point can be hugely enhanced by offering citizens participation in devolved decision making and e-voting facilities for elections. Such services are often quoted as being dependent on political will, but are the systems and services ready? Are they privacy-friendly and secure to withstand attacks and malicious or even terrorist activities in cyberspace? Are they trustworthy to be embraced by the citizens in a digital world that is moving fast and becoming more intelligent? And finally, where should be drawn the “golden line” between anonymity and confidentiality, and accountability and certification?

These are the questions and the focus of the 7th occasion of the International Conference on e-Democracy that will be held in Athens, the cradle of democracy, on December 14-15, 2017. The conference is organized by the Scientific Council for the Information Society, in co-operation with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority and a number of European and Greek Universities, Academia and Research. It is intended, similarly to previous occasions, to provide a forum for presenting and debating the latest developments in the field, from a technical, political, legal and regulatory point of view.



Workshop on the European Interoperability Framework (EIF)

14 December, 16:00
Digital Policy Officer at the European Commission - DG DIGIT

This session will provide an overview of key aspects of the new European Interoperability Framework. Specific highlights will cover how EU countries can get insights into two key aspects of their interoperability performance through the Interoperability Maturity Model (IMM). A presentation on how the EC will monitor the Interoperability Landscape in the EU will also be provided with a specific focus on Greece. Specific solutions developed under the ISA² programme and that contribute to better e-Participation and e-Democracy services will be emphasized: EU Survey: A tool for creating, managing and analysing online surveys and public consultations. OCS for ECIs: Online Collection Software to support European Citizens’ Initiatives”.

Thursday, 14 December, 2017 - Friday, 15 December, 2017 - 16:30 - 16:30
Athens, Greece
ISA² participation