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by Ana França, National Transplant Coordinator, Portuguese Institute for Blood and Transplantation

by Ana França, National Transplant Coordinator, Portuguese Institute for Blood and Transplantation

Transplantation is one of the greatest medical successes of the 20th century and is often the only effective treatment for terminal organ failure. But it is only possible to save lives through transplantations if there are enough organs to transplant.  In the European Union about 65,000 people were waiting for a transplant in 2014, and, every day 10 of them on average died while waiting.  And yet how many lives might have been saved if more people knew about the great need for organ donations and simply gave their consent to become donors?

The European Commission and the Council of Europe work with Member States to increase the number of organ donors, improve transplant systems and ensure the quality and safety of transplant procedures. In 2010, directive 2010/53/EU was adopted for standards of quality and safety of human organs intended for transplantation and in addition, the European Commission co-funds, via the EU Health Programme, several projects in the field to share and learn from best practices.

To raise awareness about organ donation, the Council of Europe also organises, together with a hosting country, European Organ Donation Day (EODD) every year on the second Saturday in October. Lisbon celebrated this year the EODD with a classical music concert, an official ceremony and a scientific session, where several topics related to organ donation or transplantation beyond immunology were discussed.

Street activities for the general public were marked by many dance and music activities, involving NGOs such as patients’ associations. We use a website, Facebook and Youtube, and have many ambassadors doing their part to reach people and let them know about this celebration.

To all the participants, to the donors, the donors' families and the future donors whose generosity will give the gift of life - Obrigado!  (Thank you!)