Changes to the Europass language passport | Developing the new Europass

  • Maxine Sundara profile
    Maxine Sundara
    8 May 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0

The new Europass will integrate the language passport within the e-portfolio as a section called language skills. This change has been implemented following suggestions from the National Europass Centres. Users will still self-assess their language competences based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and can share the results with employers or education institutions as necessary. Users will also be able to add supporting documents if they have any.


screen shot of language skills section on the europass profile

The current Europass Language Passport was established as one of the Europass document templates in 2004 as a self-assessment tool for language skills and qualifications.

The new Europass will develop self-assessment tools for its Phase 2 implementation(2020 – 2022) . The European Commission will work with Member States and stakeholders to develop new tools for self-assessment.