Information Provision

The Europass online platform will first provide information on the topics listed in Article 3(2) of the EU Decision on Europass.

  • learning opportunities;
  • qualifications and qualifications frameworks or systems;
  • opportunities for validation of non-formal and informal learning;
  • recognition practices and relevant legislation in different countries, including third countries; and
  • services offering guidance for transnational learning mobility and career management;

Users will be able to search for information on jobs (via EURES), courses (learning opportunities and qualifications), and information (guidance-oriented content, links, FAQs) on the new platform. One of the main objectives of the new Europass platform is to meet the needs of its end-users. Therefore, developing, structuring and connecting content will follow a user-oriented approach.

A comprehensive approach to content

While retaining many of the successful and essential aspects of the current platform, the new Europass will provide additional features and functionalities through web-based tools. The new platform will have regular user-testing to make sure that it adapts to user needs. 

All different types of content and information will be well-structured, connected and complete. It will also have all information from related resources connected so different categories of users can find the information that they look for. All the different sources of associated information are in the process of being audited, analyzed and structured to prepare for a smooth migration to the new platform.

The content strategy for the new Europass will encompass a strategic transition phase from the current Europass along with the development of new content that is easy to use, access and share. 

Following the Phase 1 launch, the Commission will undertake a monthly review of content and analysis of web analytics including a check of all links to external tools and services. 

Ongoing work

  • The structure of how content will be categorized and presented on the new Europass platform along with examples of some of the content was presented in the updated document on information provision at the 4th Europass Advisory Group meeting.
  • An updated content plan(pdf) with proposals of how this content will be integrated on the new Europass platform has been developed for the third advisory group meeting in March 2019.
  • The Information provision document (pdf) was presented at the second advisory group meeting held in December 2018 with basic content analysis and audit of the types of information specified in the Decision. 
  • Work is ongoing on developing content including guidance-oriented content, FAQs, information articles, updated information on the new Europass and updated text for the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), and existing Europass tools, including the Diploma Supplement, Certificate Supplement and Europass Mobility.
  • The Commission presented an approach to Country-Specific information on learning opportunities, qualifications and qualifications frameworks, recognition practices and services offering guidance (i.a. links to relevant national tools and services) at the 5th Europass Advisory Group meeting.

Information on Job Opportunities:

  • The Commission is working on the connection between EURES and Europass so that users of Europass will be able to search for EURES jobs, and get suggestions for interesting jobs that match their profile.

Information on Courses

  • The launch version of Europass will offer information on learning opportunities from EQF level 3-8, an approach agreed following discussions by the Temporary Working Group of the Europass Advisory Group in spring 2019. This approach was presented to and endorsed by the Europass Advisory Group at their 4th meeting.
  • The Commission has launched a consultation on an updated data model for learning opportunities to support this work in autumn 2019.
  • The Commission has invited Member States to assess their readiness to connect national databases of learning opportunities with the European Qualification Dataset Register (QDR). Member States currently use the QDR system to publish qualifications that are part of national qualifications frameworks referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).




e-Portfolio   Interoperability   Europass Digital Credentials