Changes to digital skills self-assessment grid | Developing the new Europass

  • Maxine Sundara profile
    Maxine Sundara
    18 April 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0

The new Europass will offer a digital skills section within Europass e-Portfolio. This section will replace the digital skills self-assessment grid of Europass. The new section will give users more freedom on how to describe their digital skills. It will allow them to group their digital skills in categories, and to upload any supporting certificates or documents they might want to add. Machine learning will be used to suggest skills terms to users at a later stage.

These changes will be subject to user testing of the new Europass e-Portfolio during summer 2019. 


screen shot of the digital skills section on the europass profile

The digital skills self-assessment grid of the current Europass CV is a tool for individuals to self-assess and identify their digital competences. The grid was adapted from the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp). User feedback and suggestions from the National Europass Centres have found that this grid does not offer a clear basis for describing digital skills. It uses abstract terms and does not easily support users to understand or identify their digital skills needs.

Self-assessment will be an important part of the new Europass and self-assessment tools will be included in the new Europass e-Portfolio in the near future. To this end, the Commission will work with Member States and stakeholders to adapt the current self-assessment grid and to develop new tools for self-assessment as part of Phase 2 development (2020 – 2022) of Europass.