Search Evaluation Publications

Total results: 334.

The evaluation of national projects and coordination projects focuses on the national projects financed by the rural development program in mainland Finland 2007-2013 and 2014-2020.

The Ministry of Forestry ordered the evaluation, which was carried out by a consortium who evaluated national projects, project management, and co-ordination projects. Furthermore, a network analysis was conducted.

This report was prepared in accordance with the Division of Labour.

This factsheet sheds light on the methodology used in the ongoing thematic evaluation carried out in five German federal states. The evaluation has already been conducted by the Thünen-Institute of Farm Economics in the programming period 2007-2013 and is again being carried out for the 2014–2020 RDPs.

This analysis examines the extent to which Regional Development Strategies (RES) for the implementation of LEADER in Thuringia correspond to the intentions and objectives of the RDP and to what extent the design of the RES is coherent with objectives and identified needs of the RDP. The study captures quantitative and qualitative aspects. The report covers the SWOT and needs assessments included in the RES, as well as the LEADER-specific target indicators of the EU's Joint Monitoring and Assessment System (CMES). In addition, the provisions of the RAG for monitoring and evaluation is also included in the analysis.

Thus, the present analysis is a building block for evaluation of LEADER in the context of the evaluation of the RDP.

in 2017, monitoring of 16 selected qualifying bird species was carried out at Natura 2000 sites for birds (SPA). Some of them, especially species of mosaical farmland or extensively managed wet meadows, are on the brink of extinction in Slovenia, e.g. Eurasian Curlew, Lesser Grey Shrike and Ortolan Bunting. The only two farmland species with increase are the White Stork, which extended its range towards western and southern Slovenia, and the Lesser Grey Shrike at Vipava valley.

In the monitoring scheme for the determination of Slovene Farmland Bird Index we survey 113 plots which are distributed across the farmland in the whole of Slovenia. We surveyed 92 plots in 2017. The composite index of 29 indicator species of farmland birds was for the year 2017 76,1 which is 0.9% more than in 2016. The composite index of the meadow species was in 2017 64,7 which is 2.1% more than in 2016. The trend of Slovene Farmland Bird Index is moderate decline for the period 20082017. The index of meadow species has the same trend. The population trends of 15 out of 29 species are in decline and 10 out of 29 are stable or in increase. The current interannual increase doesn't necessarily mean the turn of the trend yet. 

In the monitoring scheme for the determination of Slovene Farmland Bird Index we survey 113 plots which are distributed across the farmland in the whole of Slovenia. We surveyed 92 plots in 2017. The composite index of 29 indicator species of farmland birds was for the year 2017 76,1 which is 0.9% more than in 2016. The composite index of the meadow species was in 2017 64,7 which is 2.1% more than in 2016. The trend of Slovene Farmland Bird Index is moderate decline for the period 20082017. The index of meadow species has the same trend. The population trends of 15 out of 29 species are in decline and 10 out of 29 are stable or in increase. The current interannual increase doesn't necessarily mean the turn of the trend yet. 

This report analyses changes in quality of pastures with and without environmental compensation. Data sources from two environmental monitoring programs have been used: Quality monitoring of meadows and pastures and the National Inventory of the Landscape in Sweden (NILS).

The most important conclusions are that there are weak tendencies to change and no reliable connection between change and environmental compensation, and that butterflies and bumblebees are mainly affected by vegetation height, flower richness and landscape type.

The report also contains conclusions on what is needed for further evaluations.
