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Tool 3.1 – Examples of guiding questions for the appraisal of the intervention strategy, targets and milestones: provides suggestions of what questions evaluators may wish to explore while appraising the intervention strategy, targets and milestones of the CAP Strategic Plan. 

This factsheet focuses on the assessment of RDP impacts on soil organic carbon content and erosion in the Czech Republic.


Discover articles on:

  • Tools to Support the Ex Ante Evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plans
  • Study on the CAP and Climate Change: The Case for a Stronger Common Agricultural Policy for Climate Action
  • Tenth Good Practice Workshop Brussels: Getting Prepared for the Ex Ante Evaluatin of the CAP Strategic Plan

Expand your knowledge of:

  • The Ex Ante Evaluation as an Interactive and Participatory Process

Tool 2.2 – Analytical tables supporting the appraisal of the assessment of needs including the SWOT: these analytical tables can be used to record and structure relevant information needed for the ex ante assessment along the logical path from the analysis of the current situation to the SWOT analysis and the assessment of needs. 

Tool 2.1 – Examples of guiding questions supporting the appraisal of the assessment of needs including the SWOT: provides suggestions of what questions evaluators may wish to explore while appraising the SWOT and assessment of needs in the CAP Strategic Plan.  

The report gives an overview of the measures related to Priorities 4 and 5 of the Estonian Rural Development Plan 2014-2020; The evaluation of the 'Animal Welfare' and Priority 2 'Stonewall' activities carried out.

The purpose of the evaluation is to examine the progress of the development plan in relation to its objectives, using results and, if necessary impact indicators; make suggestions for improvements of the development plan and thereby increase the quality of the implementation of grants.

  • The first chapter of the report provides an overview of the legal framework for evaluation, the implementation of measures, evaluation activities and evaluation notification.
  • The second chapter describes the agricultural land use of the area covered by area payments, including
    • separate nitrate sensitive area and land use of river basins.
  • The third chapter focuses on the details of the analysis of the measures.

Tool 1.1 - Indicative roadmap for the ex ante evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment of the CAP Strategic Plan: illustrates possible ways of organising the ex ante evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment in relation to the programming process. 

Tool 1.4 - Stakeholder mapping checklist: supports the identification of different actors who could be involved in the ex ante evaluation and SEA for the CAP Strategic Plan.   

Tool 1.3 - Indicative outline of terms of reference for the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the CAP Strategic Plan: describes the requirements of the SEA directive to be fulfilled and what needs to be considered to ensure the SEA and ex ante evaluation can be used in concurrence.

Tool 1.2 - Indicative outline of terms of reference for the ex ante evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plan: provides a generic template for tendering out the ex ante evaluation. The template additionally provides practical hints to be considered while tendering the evaluation. 
