Monitoring of Common Bird Species for the determination of Slovene Farmland Bird Index - partial report for the year 2017

  1. Italiano non disponibile
  2. English
Publication date: 
June, 2019

In the monitoring scheme for the determination of Slovene Farmland Bird Index we survey 113 plots which are distributed across the farmland in the whole of Slovenia. We surveyed 92 plots in 2017. The composite index of 29 indicator species of farmland birds was for the year 2017 76,1 which is 0.9% more than in 2016. The composite index of the meadow species was in 2017 64,7 which is 2.1% more than in 2016. The trend of Slovene Farmland Bird Index is moderate decline for the period 20082017. The index of meadow species has the same trend. The population trends of 15 out of 29 species are in decline and 10 out of 29 are stable or in increase. The current interannual increase doesn't necessarily mean the turn of the trend yet.