Féilire na n-Imeachtaí

Opening conference of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion in France

From 18/02 to 18/02

Opening day by:
Martin Hirsch, High Commissioner for Active Solidarity against Poverty, High Commissioner for Youth
Benoist Apparu, Secretary of State for Housing and Urban Development
László Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

The opening day will be an opportunity to share key messages for social cohesion, that will be relayed during this European Year and discuss with you the action to be undertaken in 2010.

It will be an opportunity for all stakeholders of the integration process – be they national or territorial associations, from social partners or enterprises - to share their actions and to express the extent of their commitment against poverty and exclusion. It also enhances expertise, experiments and innovation on the entire territory, led by project leaders entitled to contributions from the State and the European Commission, throughout the year.

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