Koledar dogodkov

Spring day 2010 local competitions

From 01/01 to 01/01

Spring Day 2010 local competitions in Estonia were organised in the frame of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. The competition was organised for students of two age groups: secondary school and grammar school students.

Secondary school students took part of a competition of ideas and action plans to improve life in one's local community. These ideas, together with a plan for implementation and description of actions already carried out, were asked to be presented in a blog or another web-based environment, using the ICT opportunities. This was a good chance for students to reflect on and discuss the issues related to poverty and social exclusion. Altogether twenty-six projects were presented to the competition. The winning team was selected by a jury, composed of two ECR officials, Spring Day academic advisor and a representative of Tiger Leap Foundation, the local partner for Spring Day. The winning group is awarded a study trip to Brussels at the end of June 2010, financed by the ECR.

Grammar school students' competition was entitled "What makes a person rich?" Students were asked to prepare web-based postcards and collages which would make them and the viewers think and discuss about the issues of poverty and social exclusion. Winners were selected by the same jury and were awarded with animation workshops and gifts.