Projects - Operational groups

Projects found: 2556
Published on Title Geographical location
19/02/2020 SOiLUTION SYSTEM_Innovative solutions for soil erosion risk mitigation and a better management of vineyards in hills and mountain landscapes. Italy
19/02/2020 BeeOShield_An innovative biomolecular defence against bee parasites Italy
15/10/2018 SIGECODON - Control and defence Management Systems from Fusarium Head Blight and DON Contamination Italy
15/10/2018 SERINNOVATION - Operating group on innovation, quality, traceability in sericulture to develop sources of supplementary income for farms Italy
15/10/2018 DIVINE - Control of grapevine fanleaf and nematodes: cooperation to improve competitiveness of highly traditional areas Italy
19/02/2020 AMOR_Demonstrative project for the horticulture Extension of the areas in the Veneto Region Italy
19/02/2020 IT-FOR_Integrated digital platforms to develop logging technology companies Italy
19/02/2020 T.I.Ge.S.Vi_Innovative vineyard soil management practices: influence on biodiversity and soil fertility Italy
24/10/2022 SONAR - Variety selection for sustainability and resilience Germany
19/02/2020 BIOFUTURE_Biodiversity and valorisation of horticulture and ecosystems in typical production areas. Italy
19/02/2020 GIAcAMI_Water and nitrogen integrated managment by different irrigation system Italy
15/10/2018 PROVENDOP - Innovation in the production chain of the Venetian dry-cured ham Italy
19/02/2020 PROBOV_Improving bovine productions through the development of rational and innovative health approaches at low impact on environment Italy
19/02/2020 EGLOCALDAIRY_To improve the environmental and economic sustainability, in the Global Market, of the Local Production of Dairy Products Italy
19/02/2020 GO Brenta 2030_Governance, social capital and Payments for Ecosystem Services to improve the quality and quantity of the water resources in the Medio- Italy
19/02/2020 MitigActions_Innovative strategies to mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases and ammonia in the animal farming systems Italy
19/02/2020 GO IRRIVISION_Operational Group for the deployment of a novel technology for optimizing the irrigation management with the use of computer vision Italy
19/02/2020 LOWeMEAT_Development of a low-greenhouse gas emissions system for beef cattle farms located in Veneto Region Italy
19/02/2020 OZOPLUSWINE_Integrated use of ozonized water for a better management of sulphites in winery Italy
19/02/2020 GO SEEDS_New supply chain of pre-germinated seeds for the agri-food industry Italy
19/02/2020 CAREGA_Local charcoal as strategic tool for bioeconomy in “Vicenza Piccole Dolomiti” area Italy
19/02/2020 OZOPLUSGRAPE_Integrated use of ozonized water for a sustainable vine protection Italy
19/02/2020 PRO.S.E.C.CO. DOC_PROgram of Sustainability and Competitiveness COntrol of the Prosecco DOC wine supply chain Italy
19/02/2020 MIDIFENDO_Use of microorganisms activating the grapevine defenses towards Flavescence dorée attack: cooperation to improve competitiveness and sustain Italy
19/02/2020 BIOSOCIAL_Small farm organic vegetable production as integrated model between production and local social impact Italy
19/02/2020 CANAPA IN FILIERA_Produce hemp in the food and agroindustrial chain Italy
19/02/2020 CARTER_Biochar and new forest surfaces: winning pair for the conservation and sequestration of carbon in the soil Italy
19/02/2020 FLORORTO_Development of a novel precision system for removing, check and control of phytosanitary problems in greenhouse crops Italy
19/02/2020 CONSEMI_Structuring of innovative cereal food chains based on seeds adapted to local agroecological systems Italy
19/02/2020 SMA.LA.WI._The smart label as a guarantee tool in the winery-customer trust relationship for Venetian high quality Pgi wines Italy
15/10/2018 STALLA 4.0 - Sustainability of dairy farms for the future: competitiveness, environment and society towards the emerging needs of community. Italy
19/02/2020 SHEEP-UP_Sheep-up Ovine Bio-diversity in Veneto: an economic opportunity for Farmers and their Territory Italy
19/02/2020 SMARTAP_Aquaponic Smart: small and medium farm model of economic improvement, environmental sustainability, monitoring and simplified big dates manage Italy
19/02/2020 BETBIO_Implementation and validation of innovative plant protection methods to increase environmental sustainability of organic sugar beet production Italy
19/02/2020 PROINOS_Grow the sustainability towards a territorial protocol Italy
19/02/2020 Res4Carbon_Enhancement of forest residues for carbon storage Italy
08/02/2021 From Veggie Lab to Veggie Farm Fab Netherlands
09/11/2018 Sensors Sustainability Netherlands
09/11/2018 Sustainable pig house with micro balance Netherlands
09/11/2018 Land in connection Netherlands
09/11/2018 Starters farm Netherlands
15/10/2018 The farmer himself at the helm Netherlands
09/11/2018 Biological leather Netherlands
09/11/2018 Strategic-Precise-Different (SPA) Soil, Climate and Water Netherlands
09/11/2018 Collegiate Chain Netherlands
09/11/2018 Nuts4Gelderland Netherlands
09/11/2018 Valley pig Netherlands
09/11/2018 Internet of Sheep Netherlands
22/02/2021 Improving the quality of meat products with inline optical sensors Spain
