Projects - Operational groups

Projects found: 2556
Published on Title Geographical location
10/02/2020 Digital Viticulture in Tuscany (DigiViT) Italy
03/11/2022 Reduction of CO2 emissions in milk producion in Baden-Württemberg Germany
03/11/2022 Development and testing of a new and innovative hosingsystem for rabbits with an outdoor climate access and access to bedding material Germany
03/11/2022 IP-Dairy Calves - Appreciation through value creation Germany
03/11/2022 Innovative plant protection strategies to reduce the use of resources for sustainable fruit production in the face of climate change Germany
28/11/2018 ODPO: Online Diagnostic of Plant Status for the Optimization of Growing Conditions Germany
03/11/2022 Agriplus: Increasing efficiency in agriculture in Hohenlohe through nutrient recovery from farm fertilizers Germany
07/02/2018 Renouncement of castration of mal pigs - Introduction and establishment of boar fattening in the supply chain pork production Germany
04/11/2022 Breeding for undocked pigs and a reduced risk of tail injuries Germany
03/11/2022 Potential use of legumes in production of dairy products alternatives Latvia
03/11/2022 Measures of CO2 sequestration and reduction of GHG emissions in forest management, and impact assessment system Latvia
03/11/2022 Protein recovery from agricultural residues by using insects and creation of a new life cycle Latvia
03/11/2022 Sex-sorting of bull semen, using innovative technology Latvia
03/11/2022 Effective farm monitoring of the environment and animal Latvia
03/11/2022 Development of plant origin feed supplement for strengthening poultry immunity and increasing nutritional value of eggs with omega-3 fatty acids Latvia
03/11/2022 Production and approbation of conifer tree seedling protection product, safe for nature and humans, against damages caused by dendro-phagocytic insect Latvia
03/11/2022 Technological solutions for sea buckthorn growing technology according to organic farming principles. Latvia
03/11/2022 Application of 3D photogrammetry and implementation of energy efficiency facilitating innovations to ensure more optimal environmental conditions in v Latvia
03/11/2022 Production of healthy planting material and testing of innovative growing methods for crops, significant for national economy Latvia
03/11/2022 AgroBots harvester for cutting branches of fruit bushes Latvia
03/11/2022 Online service for calculations of glasshouse gas (GHG) emissions at dairy and grain farm level in Latvia Latvia
03/11/2022 Support fund of cooperatives Latvia
03/11/2022 The Internet of Things system for the diagnosis of conditionally pathogenic bacteria, monitoring and limiting the use of antibiotics Latvia
03/11/2022 Innovative technologic solutions for dehorning alternatives in cattle herds Latvia
03/11/2022 Development of the medication form from the extract of the leaves of the Latvian traditional medicinal plant tansy and its impact on the sheep digesti Latvia
03/11/2022 Development of a digital tool for management of the hunting process and information exchange to improve public health and safety. Latvia
03/11/2022 Developing and testing of new microbiological preparations for improvement of crop productivity Latvia
03/11/2022 Developing of a wasteless processing technology of sea buckthorn berries Latvia
03/11/2022 Innovative organic fertilizer, containing microorganisms Latvia
26/01/2021 Refining of autumn grass at dairy farmers in the province of Drenthe. Netherlands
26/01/2021 Refining of autumn grass at dairy farmers in Fryslân Netherlands
26/01/2021 Refining of autumn grass at dairy farmers in the province of Groningen Netherlands
15/10/2018 ITACA - Technological and Environmental Innovation for the management of treatments in the heroic viticulture Italy
15/10/2018 MIPROLED - Improving greenhouse crops with led light Italy
15/10/2018 ANTIBIOTICFREEBEEF - Strategies for the elimination of the use of antibiotics in beef industry. Italy
15/10/2018 WAPPLE - Pilot project to introduce an innovative beverage on the market for the valorization of the Veronese apple and its territory Italy
15/10/2018 BODI - Integrated System of phytosanitary defence for the digital reporting Italy
19/02/2020 YESP_Yeld Stabilization of Pleurotus Italy
15/10/2018 VAMO - Pomegranate Add Value_Can we add value to Pomegranate crops by processing and short chain? Italy
15/10/2018 ROVITIS 4.0 - Operational Group focusing on innovative system for the viticultural sector based on a robotic management - robot/sensors/DSS - of the v Italy
15/10/2018 TERRITORI BIO - Terroirs and RUral Networks for Technological and Organizational Innovations addressed to Organic Farms (TRUNTOIOF) Italy
15/10/2018 PATADORATA - Venetian Golden Potato: competitiveness and value creation through varietal innovations and conservation techniques. Italy
15/10/2018 PV SENSING - Operational Group for the deployment of innovative sensors in the vineyard for the prevention of infections by Plasmopara viticola Italy
15/10/2018 FARMERS LAB - Operational Group on Collective Farmers' Labs for vegetable and fruits valorisation Italy
15/10/2018 BIOFERTIMAT - Use of recycled matrixes as fertilizer for vegetable organic crops. An approach to the improvement of circular economy of the territory. Italy
19/02/2020 SMARTPEST_Testing an integrated model for less pesticide use, prevention of land-point pollution, surface wat Italy
15/10/2018 DIG-CONTROL - Operational Group for the experimentation of controlled distribution techniques of digestates and nitrification inhibitors Italy
19/02/2020 AGROBOX_Innovative system for sustainable management of water contaminated by agrochemicals and for reduction of point sources pollution in agricultur Italy
19/02/2020 ReVaViLoVGra_Reintroduction and enhancement of old local varieties of common wheat from the Veneto region Italy
19/02/2020 MicotAP_Prevention and control of mycotoxins in maize grain by means of best agricultural practice supported by an integrated digital platform Italy
