Economic and Financial Affairs

Garry J. Schinasi

Garry J. Schinasi

Garry J. Schinasi received his PhD in economics from Columbia University in 1979 and for the next decade held staff positions at the Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve System.

He joined the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1990 and for the past fourteen years has focused on global finance and financial stability issues. For most of this time (1994-2003), he co-managed the IMF’s surveillance of international capital markets, including the IMF’s flagship publication International Capital Markets: Developments, Prospects, and Key Policy Issues (1994-2001), and later the Global Financial Stability Report. After taking a one-year sabbatical to write a book on financial stability, Mr. Schinasi returned to the IMF’s Finance Department where he managed the development of the Department’s framework for assessing financial risk in the Fund, with an emphasis on credit risk.

Mr. Schinasi is presently on sabbatical from the IMF and is working as an independent researcher and consultant on global financial stability issues.

He has published articles in The Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of International Money and Finance, and other academic and policy journals. His book, titled Safeguarding Financial Stability: Theory and Practice, was published by the IMF in January 2006.