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European Commission Digital


Digital Monitoring Make visible, noticeable and measurable the efforts made by Building Blocks and DSIs

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What is the monitoring about?

The Telecom monitoring framework aims to measure the performance of the Telecom programme and the achievement of its objectives.

The Telecom Guidelines REGULATION (EU) No 283/2014 defines two specific objectives that projects should pursue and two operational priorities that should contribute to the achievement of these objectives.

Telecom Guidelines(opens in a new tab)

Telecom Guidelines

Specific objectives

Economic growth

Economic growth and support to the completion and functioning of the internal market in support of the competitiveness of the European economy, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Improvements in daily life

Improvements for citizens, businesses and public authorities through the promotion of broadband networks, interconnection and interoperability of national, regional and local broadband networks, as well as non-discriminatory access to such networks and digital inclusion.

Operational priorities

Trans-European digital services

Interoperability, connectivity, sustainable deployment, operation and upgrading of trans-European digital service infrastructures, as well as coordination at European level.

Broadband networks

Efficient flow of private and public investments to stimulate the deployment and modernisation of broadband networks to contribute to the achievement of the broadband targets of the Digital Agenda for Europe.

The indicators

The Telecom monitoring framework is composed of several groups of indicators which have been designed to monitor the whole programe. Each project of the programe is monitored through indicators from these groups.


Projects can support the achievement of the Digital Single Market only if deployment is accompanied by widespread usage and coverage. These three implementation aspects – deployment, sectoral coverage and use – constitute the uptake of a particular project.

Service availability

This indicator measures the uptime (also known as the availability) of services, platforms or portals hosted by the European Commission, in its datacentre or in the cloud. This includes services hosted by contractors on behalf of the European Commission.

Financial management

The Financial management follows the commitment of CEF budget for each project per reporting period and work programme. This includes the budget allocated to Core Service Platforms, grant funding, and the budget for the connectivity initiatives.


Reuse monitoring identifies the reused components by following a user journey from the discovery of the Building Blocks to their actual implementation. The Building Blocks can be reused by CEF projects at Core Service Platform or grant beneficiary level, or by any other project, system or initiative throughout the world.

Find out more

Further information regarding the Monitoring and Reporting framework (e.g. details of Uptake indicators per project)
is included in a downloadable guidebook.

Learn more about Monitoring

Download guidebook (PDF, 2,2MB)