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Once-Only and eDelivery presented during the International Data Spaces Symposium 2023 in the Hague 

23 March 2023 | 4 minute read

On 21-23 March 2023, the International Data Spaces Symposium brought together the diverse landscape of data space initiatives, to learn from each other, share information about reusable components and technical specifications, ultimately co-creating the future of data spaces. In this context, the Commission delivered a deep dive on the data space of European authentic data sources known as the Once-Only Technical System, a lightning pitch and an info stand, together with the eDelivery Building Block, within the event’s exhibition area.

The Once-Only Technical System enables data sharing from authentic data sources such as population registers, vehicles registers, business registers, etc. with government websites and apps from across Europe. This dataspace enables cross-border Once-Only administrative procedures, which states that citizens may request the retrieval of data from the authentic data sources holding it in other Member States. Audience questions discussed, among other things, the scope of the Once-Only data space (defined in the relevant Single Digital Gateway Regulation) and GDPR compliance.

The discussions with other dataspaces showed two unique characteristics of Once-Only:

  • The Once Only dataspace enables access to authentic data in everyday cross-border scenarios: registering an address or a car in another Member State, opening a branch in another Member State, etc.;
  • The Once Only dataspace is composed by “Lego-like” building blocks based on open-standards and aligned with EU Regulations such as eID, eDelivery and eSignature. For example, eDelivery provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange. By building with eDelivery, public and private organisations from different sectors can easily create a safe and interoperable channel to share documents and data among each other over a public or private network.

This event was a milestone for data spaces in Europe, hosted by the Center of Excellence for Data Sharing and Cloud (TNO), International Data Spaces Association, the Basic Data Infrastructure network and the Data Spaces Support Centre, supported by the Data Spaces Business Alliance, organised together with EUHubs4Data and MyData Global.

Visit the Once-Only Hub to learn more about the Once-Only Technical System and how data is enabling citizens and businesses to take even greater advantage of the European Single Market.

View the slides from the deep dive about Once Only