
European Commission Digital

Come visit the eDelivery booth at SEMIC!

eDelivery is gearing up to participate in Europe's largest conference on interoperability!

On the 6th of December at the Square Meeting Centre in Brussels, the eDelivery team will be at the Conference of SEMIC action: Promoting Semantic Interoperability amongst the EU Member States. After taking place virtually for two years, this year's SEMIC will return in person with the topic "Data Spaces in an Interoperable Europe." The conference, organized by the Interoperability Unit of DIGIT of the European Commission, will see attendees from all over Europe coming together to discuss the implementation of data spaces, with success stories from both the public and the private sector.

The eDelivery team will be among a selected number of exhibitors in the field of semantics, interoperability, and tech allowed to have their on-site booth. Visitors to the eDelivery stand will be able to see first-hand the team's brand-new promotional material. Moreover, they will learn about eDelivery's crucial contribution to creating current and future data spaces, including the Once-Only Technical System and the European Health Data Space (HealthData@EU)

At SEMIC, eDelivery representatives will also have the privilege to join many high-caliber speakers debating the future of interoperability. After opening remarks from the European Commissioner for Budget and Administration Johannes Hahn, and high-profile interventions from representatives from industry representatives from Atos and Amazon, among others, the eDelivery team will have its dedicated pitch. During the afternoon, eDelivery Project Officer Bogdan Dumitriu will share the stage with Licinio Kustra Mano, Digital Health Interoperability and Infrastructure Architect for the European Health Data Space. Together they will showcase eDelivery success story in building the European Health Data Space (HealthData@EU) and the role of eDelivery access points.

eDelivery's participation in SEMIC represents a unique milestone for our yearly communication activities! If you cannot make it in person, you can still follow live updates from the conference on the eDelivery Twitter channel. Our team worked hard to deliver a seamless contribution to SEMIC: don't forget to come to talk to us at the in-person booth. If you want to learn more about SEMIC and see the detailed agenda, visit this link.

We hope to see you there!

Credits photo: Bryan Poult

The eDelivery Building Block

eDelivery is a building block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.

Domibus is the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery AS4 Access Point for the interoperable, secure and reliable exchange of data. It is based on the eDelivery AS4 profile, an open technical specification for the secure, web-based, payload-agnostic exchange of data or documents.

DomiSMP is the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery Service Metadata Publisher for publishing and retrieving data necessary for an eDelivery party to dynamically configure its system for message exchange with counterparties using eDelivery. It is based on the eDelivery SMP profile, an open technical specification for publishing service metadata within a 4-corner network.

DomiSMLis the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery Service Metadata Locator for an eDelivery party to discover the URLs of other counterparties using eDelivery Access Points and their corresponding metadata. It is based on the eDelivery BDXL profile, an open technical specification for locating Access Points within a network, and on the PEPPOL SML Specification, a technical specification defining a BDXL administration API. 

Stay tuned for the latest updates on the eDelivery services by checking the building block's twitter and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail: