
European Commission Digital

Digital Signature Service becomes part of Maven Central

Digital Signature Service (DSS) is an open-source library for electronic signature creation and validation. In November 2022, DSS became available on Maven Central for free usage!

Digital Signature Service is an open-source software library that supports the creation and verification of interoperable and secure electronic signatures in line with European legislation. In particular, DSS aims to follow the eIDAS Regulation and related standards closely. In a nutshell, DSS makes the creation of secure electronic signatures easy and simple for users. 

During the organisational changes and the transition to Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL), that is now completed, eSignature kept focusing on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and public administrations efficiently. In this context, two new versions (DSS 5.10.2 and DSS 5.11.1) were released in November 2022 to the most extensive repository of Java projects, becoming a part of Maven Central family, and are now available for usage. The new DSS versions were updated with new features and to fix on vulnerable dependencies and bugs. These versions will help you to simplify the integration of DSS into your project and will provide a stable connection to DSS artifacts at the same time. 

The eSignature team invites you to upgrade the library and share your feedback to continue improve our services. The details about the integration are available on the GitHub official repository of DSS. 

You can read more about DSS and how it can help you on the Digital Signature Service - DSS ( page of the eSignature website. Feel free to also visit the DSS demonstration app and have a sneak peek at the possible uses of DSS. In the current web application, you will have a chance to try the different features offered. For example, it will be possible to sign documents in various AdES formats, perform certificate and document validation, timestamp documents and many other features.

The DIGITAL Building Blocks Bulletin is published twice a year, in July and January. If you wish to receive more frequent updates on selected Building Blocks, you can subscribe to their email lists via the link below.

Please visit the eSignature wiki or contact the Digital Europe Help Desk for more information.