
European Commission Digital

FIWARE Open Day - 7 March 2017

As part of the ongoing collaboration between CEF eDelivery and FIWARE, we are happy to announce the FIWARE Open Day to be held in Brussels on 7 March 2017.


The FIWARE team, in partnership with the FIWARE Foundation, is organising an Open Day to be held in Brussels on 7 March 2017 in the European Commission's Charlemagne building.

The half-day event will mark the beginning of the go-to-market for FIWARE. It will offer a good opportunity to debate with stakeholders about the future of the FIWARE ecosystem based on the key achievements of the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership and its 5-year unique journey creating a new ecosystem for growth, business and jobs in Europe.

The key achievements of the FI-PPP include the setting up of the FIWARE Open Source Foundation in Berlin, a growing FIWARE ecosystem and close integration of the PPP outcomes to national growth and innovation plans such as the Industry 4.0.

Furthermore, the Open Day will be a unique occasion to explore the opportunities offered by open, standardised APIs for the development of the Digital Single Market and the Agri-food, Smart Cities and Industry sectors, among others.

For more information and registration, please visit the event website and feel free to share this event with your colleagues and stakeholders who might be interested!

For more information on the CEF building blocks and how the European Commission and Member States are working to Connect Europe digitally, visit CEF Digital 2018.

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