
European Commission Digital

Grant Funding for CEF eSignature Available Now!

Don't miss the 2017-1 CEF Telecom calls virtual Info Day on Tuesday 28 February 2017

Supported by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the Call for Proposals (CEF-TC-2017-1) provides grant funding of up to €7 million to support the adoption of eID and eSignature in Europe. CEF funding is provided to help you adopt CEF eSignature in your organisation, covering up to 75%* of the costs of implementation. There's still time to apply, but be careful not to wait too long, as applications close on 18 May 2017.

The eSignature building block helps public administrations and businesses accelerate the adoption of electronic signatures. The deployment of solutions based on CEF eSignature in a Member State facilitates the mutual recognition and cross-border interoperability of electronic signatures. This means that public administrations, businesses and citizens can trust and use electronic signatures that are legally valid and structured in EU interoperable formats, a key enabler of the Digital Single Market.

Who can apply?

It's important to keep in mind that only those proposals submitted by one of the following types of applicants are eligible:

  • One or more Member States;
  • With the agreement of the Member State(s) or EEA countr(y)ies concerned, international organisations, joint undertakings, 5  public or private undertakings or bodies established in Member States.

For more detailed information (i.e. if you are from a candidate or third country etc.), be sure you read the call text thoroughly!

What is the funding for?

As stated in the call text, funding under the Connecting Europe Facility in the area of eSignature is to:

"Uptake and use of eSignature by developing systems for both Member States and the private sector (which provide solutions to the public sector bodies) relying on the eSignature building block (SD-DSS)";

For eSignature, solution providers that are implementing advanced eSignatures will be supported to rely on the DSS library".

What is the process?

* Find related documents here.

** To help you find consortium partners, we have created a LinkedIn group, here.

Please note: Applicants who already received CEF funding under previous eID & eSignature calls (2014-3/2015-2/2016-2) and who plan to apply again under this call must clearly explain in part D of the application form of their proposal (notably section 1 and Q2.1) how their proposed action(s) will differ from those action(s) funded under the previous call(s).