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CEF eInvoicing Publishes Updated Country Factsheets


The European Commission has published updated CEF eInvoicing country factsheets. The factsheets have been prepared and updated in close cooperation with the Member State experts in the European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on eInvoicing (EMSFEI). With only a few months left to the deadline for the implementation of the eInvoicing Directive, these factsheets provide a snapshot over the state-of-play of the transposition of Directive 2014/55/EU in individual countries, as well as an overview of the progress to date that has been collectively achieved in Europe with regards to implementation of eInvoicing.

Source: CEF eInvoicing in each Member State

Every European country has a unique approach to dealing with eInvoicing. Each country factsheet therefore provides a useful and regularly updated guide to Member States’ policy frameworks, eInvoicing platforms (if existing) and approach for receiving and processing eInvoices.

The updated country factsheets also highlight the great efforts made by central, regional and local authorities in transposing Directive 2014/55/EU into national law. This year's factsheets are particularly relevant as they highlight which Member States are on course or have already implemented the Directive before its deadline on 18 April 2019.

The 2019 edition also includes new features that further explain the nature of different countries' respective eInvoicing implementation, highlighting the status of the following implementation features:

  1. Status of the transposition of Directive 2014/55/EU;
  2. Use of the extra year for compliance of non-central entities;
  3. Use of CIUS and/or Extensions.

The Directive also called for the creation of a European standard on eInvoicing to aid the implementation process. The standard has been published and made available to national Standardisation Bodies, making it possible for sellers to send invoices to many customers by using a single eInvoicing format and thus not have to adjust their sending and/or receiving to connect with individual trading parties.

The CEF eInvoicing building block serves to support public administrations in complying with the aforementioned eInvoicing Directive, and helps solution providers adapt their services accordingly. To do so, CEF eInvoicing makes the following services available: