
European Commission Digital

eSignature hosted a webinar for Trusted List Scheme Operators

On Tuesday 22nd January, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eSignature team hosted a webinar to update Trusted List Scheme Operators (TLSOs) on recent eSignature solutions updates.Each Member State has at least one TLSO, who is responsible for updating and ensuring the quality of the respective Member States' trusted list. These webinars intend to connect with the community and provide information about the upcoming technical updates mostly focusing on the TL-Manager tool. 

The trusted list contains information on the trusted service providers, these are service providers issuing eSignature certificates enabling private and public users to sign documents electronically. This conforms with the eIDAS regulation and defined standards. You can find back the trusted providers on the CEF Trusted List browser

Number of qualified trusted service providers in Europe 

Uptake - view eSignature - eSignature Conformance Testing

Source:CEF-Uptake view eSignature

During this webinar, TLSOs were encouraged to continue to follow best practices and had the opportunity to leverage on the experience of the community. The upcoming launch of a new eSignature validation test cases (esig-validation-tests), to be released in Spring 2019, was also shared. 

The CEF eSignature team was delighted to introduce the release of TL-Manager version 5.5, of which most functionalities were then directly shown during a demo. The most notable new features include: 

      • Dynamic filter of trusted service providers and services in the trusted list
      • Merge of multiple drafts, enabling TLSO to merge separate preparatory works before publication
      • Additional checks on trusted lists, detecting transition errors from versions to versions (i.e. trusted list Sn to trusted list Sn+1)
      • Availability of an offline trusted list signing tool 

Every webinar provides the opportunity to engage with the Member States TLSOs directly, and for them to provide input and feedback for the technical development of the Building Block.