
European Commission Digital

Accessing the European Standard on eInvoicing

Public administrations and businesses have now access to the semantic data model and the two mandatory syntaxes of the European standard on eInvoicing via their own National Standardisation Bodies. This was achieved via a sponsored access agreement between the European Commission and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) signed in December. The agreement ensures access to users and includes derivative use, and is valid for the duration of the current version of the semantic data model and compliant syntaxes. Read more details about the agreement here.

How to access

If you are a private operator that wishes to do business with a contracting authority in Europe, you will stand to benefit from using the European Standard when sending eInvoices, as contracting authorities will need to be able to receive eInvoices that use the standard and these will be processed and paid more swiftly. For these purposes, National Standardisation Bodies members of CEN, are granting direct access to the standards on their websites, together with its semantic data model and the two mandatory syntaxes. Public authorities, private operators and European institutions, bodies and agencies can now contact their national standardisation body directly to access the printed or the downloadable PDF version of the aforementioned documents.

The agreement includes 31 national standardisation bodies, those of the 28 EU Member States and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.