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eDelivery Services

eDelivery ebCore Party Id 2.0 (2024 PR draft)


eDelivery Community Draft

Publication date



e-SENS ebCore Party Id 1.4

Obsoleted by


Table of Contents

1. Description

In eDelivery, the OASIS ebCore Party Id Type specification is the recommended notation for party addressing. It can be used as value for:

  • the type attribute in the From and To elements in the AS4 PartyId header.
  • the type attribute in the AS4 originalSender and finalRecipient message attributes of the eDelivery AS4 Four Corner Profile Enhancement.
  • DNS name records as used in eDelivery BDXL.
  • the schemeID attribute of ParticipantID in eDelivery SMP.

This eDelivery specification provides additional implementation guidelines for the OASIS ebCore Party Id Type specification.

The OASIS ebCore Party Id Type specification provides a standard URN-based syntax [RFC8141] for party identifiers and identifier types using the formally IANA-registered [URNFN] OASIS namespace [RFC3121]. It is used in Australia, Europe and Japan. A variety of naming identifier schemes are in existence and used internationally, such as GS1 Global Location Numbers (GLN), Dun & Bradstreet DUNS numbers, and various national business registry numbers. ISO is a global registration authority for such schemes and maintains the ISO 6523 catalog. The ebCore Party Id Type standards define a standard URN syntax for entities registered in schemes registered in ISO 6523 and other schemes. The ebCore Party Id Type is recommended in CWA 16036 and 16464-1.

2. Base Specifications

This specification is based on the following specifications:

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [BCP14] ([RFC2119] and [RFC8174]) when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

3. Implementation Guidelines

In the OASIS ebCore Party Id Type [EBCOREP], it is possible the identify a party using either of two options:

  1. a combination of separate party identifier scheme and a value within the scheme.
  2. a combined party identifier notation defined in section 2.7 of [EBCOREP] that combines the identifier scheme and value in a concatenated form.

In eDelivery ebCore Party Id this is profiled as follows:

  • Option (1) MUST be used in all situations where a separate scheme can be specified. This includes the eb:PartyId element of AS4 and the originalSender and finalRecipient attributes of the eDelivery AS4 Four Corner Profile Enhancement in which the type attribute can carry the scheme.
  • Option (2) MUST be used in situations where no such separate scheme can be specified. This includes the use in eDelivery BDXL name records.

The OASIS ebCore specification supports the ISO 6523, ISO 9735 and ISO 20022 scheme catalogs. The ISO 9735 MUST NOT be used (all domains in this scheme are also in ISO 6523). The ISO 20022 scheme catalog MUST NOT be used for domains also registered in ISO 6523.

For ISO 6523, the ebCore specification supports multiple identifier prefixes. In Delivery, prefixes other than urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:iso6523: MUST NOT be used.

Identifier domains not yet registered in ISO 6523, but needed for use with eDelivery, MAY be identified using the urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered: prefix. However, it is RECOMMENDED that organizations representing any such domains register with the ISO 6523 registry.

4. Ownership

The ebCore Party Id Type Technical Specification is Copyright © OASIS® 2010. All Rights Reserved.

The ebCore Party Id Type Technical Specification was created by the OASIS ebXML Core (ebCore) TC which operates under the RF on Limited Terms Mode of the OASIS IPR Policy. OASIS is not aware of any statements or declarations regarding IPR related to the work of this technical committee.

This specification was created in the former EU e-SENS project. The e-SENS project completed in March 2017. The EU e-SENS project formally transferred ownership of its specifications to the European Commission, which accepted it for further maintenance initially in the context of the CEF Programme and then of the Digital Europe Programme. Information on governance and procedures for eDelivery is available from Governance and Procedures.

5. References

[BCP14] S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels and Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words.

[CWA16036] CWA 16036, Unique Identification Systems For Organizations and Parts Thereof. November 2009.

[CWA16464-1] CWA 16464-1 Electronic invoicing - Part 1: Addressing and Routing. CEN WS on E-Invoicing. May 2012.

[ISO6523] ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998. Information technology – Structure for the identification of organizations and organization parts – Part 1: Identification of organization identification schemes.

[EBCOREP] D. Moberg and P. van der Eijk. OASIS ebCore Party Id Type Technical Specification Version 1.0. OASIS Committee Specification, 28 September 2010.

[RFC2119] S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. IETF RFC 2119, January 1998.

[RFC3121] K. Best and N. Walsh. A URN Namespace for OASIS. IETF RFC 3121, June 2001.

[RFC8141] P. Saint-Andre, Filament and J. Klensin. Uniform Resource Names (URNs). IETF RFC 8141, April 2017.

[RFC8174] B. Leiba. Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words. IETF RFC 8174, May 2017.

[SMP-v1.0] Service Metadata Publishing (SMP) Version 1.0. OASIS Standard, 01 August 2017.

[SMP-v2.0] Service Metadata Publishing (SMP) Version 2.0. OASIS Standard, 14 February 2021.

[URNFN] IANA. Uniform Resource Names (URN) Formal Namespaces.

6. Contributors

The eDelivery team is in charge of maintaining the current version of this specification.

Details about contributors of previous versions can be consulted on the e-SENS website.

7. History



Changes made

Modified By

2.0 (2024 PR draft)


Added a reference to SMP 2.0.

Removed support for the party identifier notation defined in section 2.7 of [EBCOREP].

Pim van der Eijk

Bogdan Dumitriu



Updated to align with updates to other eDelivery specifications.

  • Name change to eDelivery ebCore Party Id.
  • Adding reference to RFC2119.
  • Cross-reference improvements.

Updated after CEF team meeting 25.12.2017

  • Changed status to eDelivery Community Draft

Updated on 30.05.2018

  • Changed status to eDelivery Specification

Pim van der Eijk



Minor update as part of the migration of the specification to CEF Digital, not requiring external review.

  • Layout changed to match CEF Digital template.
  • Set the version number to 1.3.
  • Switched from e-SENS specification metadata to the CEF eDelivery specification metadata: Publication Date, Obsoletes, Obsoleted by.
  • Removed the Standardization and Sustainability Assessment section.
  • Updated the Contributor section, historical contribution information is left to the last referenced e-SENS project version.
  • Updated the Ownership section to include the handover of the ownership of content from the e-SENS project to CEF Digital.
  • Started with a clean history table (the e-SENS history is still available in the 1.11 version).
  • Removed some e-SENS internal references.
  • Removed the SBB section.
  • Created a References section. Put the references in alphabetical order, and changed them to be consistent with other eDelivery specifications. Fixed some broken links in references section. Added a reference to OASIS SMP.
  • RFC 2141 is obsoleted by RFC 8141, reference updated.
  • Added a comment that the OASIS SMP specification uses incorrect syntax for ebCore Party Id type.
  • Removed the UN/CEFACT bibliographic entries, as they are not used.
  • Renamed the section "Specifications" to "Base Specifications".
  • Changed "PR" to "e-SENS".

Gianmarco Piva

Pim van der Eijk

Details about previous versions of the specifications can be consulted on the e-SENS website.