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Cross-border authentication and Projectathon registration – takeaways from the #3 OOTS Implementers’ Café

31 January 2023 | 4 minutes read


On 31 January 2023, the European Commission organised the third Once-Only Technical System (OOTS) Implementers’ Café, looking at eID and OOTS Projectathon registration.

As is usually the case, the third OOTS Implementers’ Café, the first of 2023, looked consisted of two halves. The first looking at a topic relevant to the implementation of the Once-Only Technical System and the other taking a deep-dive into the preparations for the 2023 OOTS Projectathon series.

eIDAS nodes allow authentication to any online procedure portal in Europe using a national eID. eID is a set of services provided by the European Commission to enable the mutual recognition of national electronic identification schemes, or eIDs, across borders. It allows European citizens to use their national eIDs when accessing online services from other European countries.

Alongside eDelivery, eID is one out of a catalogue of reusable building blocks allowing EU Member States to realise the Once-Only Technical System.

In addition to technical experts from the Commission, speakers from three EU Member States presented national experiences of eIDAS, and the value of eID to the development of the Once-Only Technical System. This consisted of Herbert Leitold from the Secure Information Technology Center – Austria; Andrea Spallacci, from the Agency for a Digital Italy and Hans van der Burght, Ivar Vennekens and Aleksandar Simsic from the RINIS foundation.

In the second half of the event, experts from the European Commission and the Kerevel engineering laboratory presented participants with an overview of how to register for OOTS Projectathons.

The OOTS Projectathons are events where different systems connect under one roof and perform a marathon of peer-to-peer interoperability and compliance tests in a structured environment for several days. The tests are supervised and verified by a neutral expert.

The first Projectathon will take place 19-21 April 2023.

You can access the slides from the event on the event page.