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European Commission Digital

SEMIC 2024: Digital Building Blocks and the future of Interoperability

The conference, hosted by the European Commission in collaboration with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and Digital Flanders, aligned perfectly with the objectives of the newly enacted Interoperable Europe Act. This act aims to bridge the gap between visionary goals and concrete actions, fostering a digitally connected European public sector.

Attendees engaged with the latest advancements in data exchange and interoperability through eSignature, eDelivery and eID Building Blocks at the conference stands. The atmosphere was charged with enthusiasm as participants explored innovative solutions, learned about the latest advancements and successes in public sector interoperability and shared insights. Our stand offered an overview of the sector’s cutting-edge developments, emphasizing the collaborative efforts driving Europe's digital future. We are looking forward to continue our discussions in other formats and contribute to more Interoperable Europe.

Participants left SEMIC 2024 inspired and informed, ready to contribute to the ongoing journey towards a fully interoperable Europe. The conference underscored the importance of community, collaboration, and innovation in achieving these goals.

For more information, visit the pages of eSignature, eDelivery and eID  or contact us via email at

Thank you to everyone who visited our booth!