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European Commission Digital

Domibus 5.0.1 released

We are happy to announce that Domibus 5.0.1 was released. Domibus is the sample implementation of an eDelivery Access Point maintained by the European Commission.

Domibus 5.0.1 includes a number of new features, improvements, and bug fixes, among which:

  • Allow ActiveMQ configuration to define multiple ActiveMQ broker entries for networks of brokers or brokers in a Master-Slave setup
  • Improve performance for default message deletion via Domibus
  • Filter out TEST messages from eArchived messages
  • Updated two eArchive properties default values: domibus.earchive.export.empty set to false and domibus.earchive.batch.retry.timeout set to 0
  • Updated http timeouts for MSH communication
  • Fixed Domibus 5.0 database migration scripts
  • Fixed the properties issue for ext/messages/acknowledgments/delivered API
  • Added possibility to throw a specific exception while receiving a message in the plugin
  • Fixed the disabling of a domain added at runtime
  • Analysed and fixed OWASP reported security vulnerabilities 

Domibus 5.0.1 is backward compatible with 5.0. The upgrade is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended.

You can find more information about the release on this page.

For more information, please contact us via our portal or by e-mail:

The eDelivery Building Block | Domibus

eDelivery is a building block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.

Domibus is the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery AS4 Access Point for the interoperable, secure and reliable exchange of data. It is based on the eDelivery AS4 profile, an open technical specification for the secure, web-based, payload-agnostic exchange of data or documents.

The image used in this article is by Shahadat Rahman from Unsplash