
European Commission Digital

Hellenic Online Tax System (TAXIS)

TAXIS is the Hellenic integrated tax information system. TAXIS offers personalised services to citizens and businesses and it is probably the information system with the largest number of users in Greece.

@Photo from Pixabay.

TAXIS promotes the Once-Only Principle as it offers a lot of pre-filled forms. For example, it acquires citizen data from employers, banks and other administrations, such as salary details and tax paid, during tax declaration. Furthermore, it provides data to other governmental information systems through web-services that have been installed to the Interoperability Centre of the Ministry of Finance


TAXIS is the integrated information system of the Hellenic tax system. Right from its initial installation, it has interconnected all tax departments with the central point and the databases of the information system. It is probably the information system with the largest number of users in Greece. It has been productive since about 1998 and it has been constantly updated with new functionalities and new services until today. In 2000, it has been upgraded to TAXISnet aiming to provide online electronic services to citizens and businesses.
TAXISnet offers personalised information to citizens and businesses through its portal, as well as by sending automated emails. Since 2006, M-TAXIS service has been available. The registration to the service is a simple procedure. After the registration, citizens or businesses are informed of the tax that they have to pay by SMS. Furthermore, they are informed about the deadlines of their payments.
Recently, a set of web services based on TAXIS databases have been created and installed in the Interoperability Centre of the Ministry of Finance, as for example:
- Confirmation of a person's details,
- Tax registration data,
- Certificate that a person or a company do not have any debts relevant to tax,
- Certification for any debts of a person or a company to any public-sector organisation,
- Vehicle owner details at a specific point of time.


Citizens | Business | NGO's | Government

Start date1 Dec 1998


Nature and status of projectRolled Out
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory?Opt-out

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder role

Kind of data

Ministry of FinanceGovernmentDatabase owner
Ministry of FinanceGovernmentData provider
Ministry of FinanceGovernmentData consumer
Ministry of FinanceGovernmentData aggregator
CitizensCitizenData subject
CitizensCitizenData recorder
CompaniesBusinessData subject
CompaniesBusinessData recorder
NGOsNGOData subject
NGOsNGOData recorder
Public organisationsGovernmentData providerSalary
BanksBusinessData provider

Income tax


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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