
European Commission Digital

Slovenian e-Health (eZdravje)

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The Slovenian eZdravje project aims to integrate existing fragmented Health Information Systems into a complete solution that benefits all stakeholders.


Ministry of Health has been dealing with the informatization of Slovenian health care system for almost two decades. The eHealth project from 2005 in its latest form consists of 17 sub-projects aiming at extensive renewal and integration of information and communication systems in the health care domain. Strategic objectives within the eHealth strategy should be implemented by the year 2023 facilitating fully integrated national IS enabling monitoring of the on-going treatments and related costs, faster access to medical data, medical services as well as cost evaluation, online ordering and coordination of waiting lists, increase of efficiency and transparency of the
health care system and optimization of the business processes taking place in health care institutions (Ministry of Health, 2005 and 2008).
eHealth project is thus divided into three substantially separate, yet related areas. The first area is the establishment of a national IS, comprised of Health Network (hNET), a health portal (hAOP) and EHR. The second area represents the establishment and operation of center for health care informatics, undertaking the central role in governing of IS. This area also includes upgrading and maintenance activities of the entire project after its completion. The third area will enable the improvement of health care processes, access to health care services as well as education and training of target groups.


Citizens | Business | Government

Start date 1 Jan 2005


Nature and status of projectRolled Out


Technical interoperability
eHIS components: 
- zNET eHealth network: secure exchange of healthcare data;
- zVEM central eHealth portal: searching, exchange and providing healthcare information and data; secure and controlled use of national eHealth services;
- Electronic Health Record (EHR): electronic healthcare records, based on the open standard [1, 2] OpenEHR;

Motivations, benefits, public value
The strategic goals of the project are to:
•increase the citizen's activity and responsibility in regard to their healthcare;
•improve access to all necessary information, and allow citizens to participate in the development of high-quality healthcare services;
•provide secure and reliable access to all key patient information for all healthcare providers, general practitioners, specialists and pharmacists through Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and other databases;
•make planning and management within health organisations and the healthcare sector as a whole easier, based on high-quality and authenticated economic, administrative and clinical data; and
•improve access to healthcare services for groups of people who are usually excluded because of reduced abilities, age or any other reason.

Data handling / data exchange

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder type

Stakeholder role

Kind of data

Federal Ministry of HealthGovernmentDatabase ownerPersonal data
National Health Informatics CouncilGovernmentData consumerPersonal data
Health Informatics Standards BoardGovernmentData consumerPersonal data
CitizensCitizenData subjectPersonal data

Further stakeholders
The National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) took over the management of the eHealth project at the end of 2015. Until then, the project was governed by the Ministry of Health. According to their mandate, NIJZ is responsible for the preparation of strategic documents and action plans. The further adoption of the eHealth development platform will be kept in parallel with the national implementation and promotion of the existing eHealth solutions and services.

Barriers and success factors
The implementation of the eHealth project has been significantly hampered for a number of regulatory, financial, institutional and technological reasons, says Stanimirović. As a consequence, the current eHealth infrastructure is only partly functional.
Apart from the operational difficulties of the existing HISs and deficiencies in project management, the major problem eHealth is currently facing is a lack of appropriate strategic and implementation documents to comprehensively regulate its further development. The existing strategic documents formally expired in 2010 and 2013, and the implementation of such a large and complex project as eHealth without proper strategic orientation is subject to various considerable risks.

Benefits for involved actors
•For citizens
− Increased confidence and independence through comprehensive security
measures and access to their own data
− Simplified procedures (no card updates ...)

•For healthcare workers
− Less time for administrative processes
− Additional administrative data for communication between healthcare
− Additional medical data for increased quality of treatment

•For health insurance providers
− Better control of health insurance status and rights of insured persons

•For all
− Reliable, secure and open infrastructure for eHealth

Lessons learned
The realisation of the infrastructure components and the planned implementation of other eHealth applications represent an important milestone in the public and professional perception of eHealth in Slovenia. Successful further implementation of eHealth solutions requires relative consensus between the various stakeholders in the healthcare system, as well as better coordination and cooperation throughout the development and implementation process.


Disclaimer : Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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