
European Commission Digital

New look for the CEF reuse dashboard!

Have you ever wondered how many projects are already using the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks? 

Or what kind of projects we have helped realise in the past years? 

Take a moment and have a look at the new CEF Reuse Dashboard. The new dashboard is more interactive, visually more attractive and meets stakeholders’ expectations. Do not wait any longer to consult which projects are reusing the Building Blocks by clicking here.

The CEF reuse dashboard

The dashboard is split into four sections

  1. Overview
  2. Evolution of reuse
  3. Domain of reuse
  4. Overview of reusers

The introduction displays the number of projects that have taken the reuse journey to date. This is sorted in three different steps: the analysis, commitment and reuse steps.  Projects that are reusing Building Blocks are actively using the Building Blocks for their project. Projects committed to reusing have successfully analysed the feasibility of reusing the Building Blocks and have committed to use them. The last step, committed to analyse, are projects that plan to review the Building Blocks for their projects. 

The "Filter the dashboard by.." option enables users to filter the dashboard according to their preferred choice of CEF Building Block and/or by annual quarter, including the introduction section. 

Evolution of reuse

The “evolution of reuse” section depicts the number of projects per phase by quarter, starting from Q4 in 2014. Again, this section is split into commitment to analyse, commitment to reuse, reuse. 

Domains of reuse

The third section, “domains of reuse” displays a radar chart, illustrating the reuse per domain. This chart can be adjusted per Building Block and time frame.  For example, in the following graph, the radar has been filtered on “eID” for 2018 Q3. 

Overview of reusers

The final section, “overview of reusers” allows users to see contextual project information of projects that have reused building blocks. Again, users have various filter options, including per Building Block, private and or public projects, CEF grant funded projects. There is also the option to only show projects funded by CEF grants. The information displayed on each card includes the projects full name, description, domain and reuse history. Links to CEF success stories and funding by CEF grants are also included in the cards.

The dashboard is updated every quarter and the next update, Q4 2018, numbers will be published in February 2019. 

Note: The CEF reuse dashboard page is optimized for viewing on a desktop browser.