
European Commission Digital

We dare to rethink your city 

Too busy building a Smart City to learn how the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks help make them a reality? 

On 26 February 2019, the CEF team presented how it can help European cities become smart cities to 260 Europeans during the Smart City webinar

Participants were delighted to learn about the European Commission offerings to help build Smart Cities and connect Europe together. 

Smart cities aim to transform European urban environments into cities that provide the highest quality of life possible through using digital solutions to improve for example urban mobility, public administration interactions and healthcare solutions. 

Find the webinar slides here


How can you connect your city? 

CEF offers eight digital Building Blocks that can help you transform your city. The CEF Building Blocks support the use of OpenAPIs and common European standards, to break down digital silo's and connect Europe digitally. They can help you on your smart city journey. 

Learn more about our borderless digital services so that European public administrations, businesses and citizens can enjoy the free flow of information. 

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