
European Commission Digital

Still Time to Apply for CEF eID Grant Funding!

Thomas Fillis | 27 July 2016

Funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the mutual recognition of nationally-issued eIDs becomes possible with the deployment of CEF eID (one of the five CEF building blocks, alongside eDelivery, eSignature, eInvoicing and eTranslation).

CEF eID helps public administrations and private online service providers to easily extend the use of their online services to citizens from other EU Member States, a key component of a functioning Digital Single Market. The digitisation of the Single Market is foreseen to add up to EUR 415 billion to the European economy, as well as benefit citizens, businesses and the public sector.

 Projects throughout Europe have expressed a desire to re-use the CEF eID solution in various domains, such as:

  • Banking (opening a bank account from another Member State)
  • Entrepreneurship ( founding a business from another Member State)
  • The European Commission's Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) mechanism

CEF eID is also built in total compliance with relevant EU legislation concerning the Digital Single Market (namely, the eIDAS Regulation).

But it gets even better. Grant funding (administrated by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, INEA) of up to EUR 4.5 million* is available to help you adopt CEF eID your own organisation, covering up to 75% of the costs of implementation. There's still time to apply, but don't delay, as applications close on September 15th 2016.

Who is the funding available for? Public and private entities can apply in order to increase the widespread uptake and use of eID by the private sector, in particular banking, electronic/internet payment services, other financial services, insurance, and aviation which have the highest potential for take up in domestic and cross border scenarios and which are potentially the largest users and contributors to the Digital Single Market.

What is the application process? 

* Find related documents here.

** To help you find consortium partners, we have created a LinkedIn group, here.

Ready to get started? 

Still have questions? 

See the INEA FAQ 

Best of luck with your application & let's Connect Europe together!

*The indicative amount to be allocated on the basis of this call for proposals to projects of common interest in the field of trans-European telecommunications for eID & eSignature generic services is EUR 4.5 million. Out of this budget, EUR 0.5 million is indicatively expected to be allocated to eSignature proposals.