
European Commission Digital

2016 CEF Telecom calls for proposals: Support the Uptake of CEF eInvoicing

Thomas Fillis | 12th July 2016

For 2016 the European Commission made an indicative budget of EUR 70 million - EUR 7 million for CEF eInvoicing - available under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), through grants, to improve the interoperability and interconnectivity of the European digital service ecosystem.

The CEF eInvoicing Call for Proposals will open from 13 September until December 15 September 2016. The grants under CEF Telecom will help European public administrations and businesses to hook up to the core platforms of the digital services that are the object of the calls (see list below).

According to the CEF regulation, the grants should not exceed 75% of the eligible costs. Proposals can be submitted by one or more Member State(s) or a consortium consisting of at least five entities from one or more Member State(s) composed of public or private entities.

CEF Telecom Calls for Proposals are administrated by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA):

New to eInvoicing?

Learn more about eInvoicing on CEF Digital 2018.