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CEF eInvoicing Implementation Checklist Now Live


The European Commission has published an eInvoicing Implementation Checklist to support the adoption of eInvoicing solutions compliant with the European standard on eInvoicing and the transposition of the Directive 2014/55/EU (on electronic invoicing in public procurement) into national legislation.

It is an easy-to-consult reference point and contains the essential information to accompany concrete implementation of compliant national eInvoicing policy. It outlines how to successfully drive eInvoicing policy at the national level, how to ensure coherence with EU law and facilitate technical implementation of IT infrastructure to support eInvoicing. It also includes a guide to success factors and pitfalls, as well as aspects to consider throughout the on-boarding process for suppliers to participate in eInvoicing.

This checklist is an extract of the EMSFEI guidance paper published in June 2018. The guidance paper also highlights the tools, services, support and information (such as country factsheets) provided as part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eInvoicing Building Block, a key support mechanism for Member States in implementing the Directive.

The European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on eInvoicing (EMSFEI) brings together public and private sector representatives from EU Member States, as well as other experts, on a regular basis to discuss and make recommendations to the community of eInvoicing stakeholders and to the European Commission on how to promote and implement eInvoicing. The Directive calls for a European standard on eInvoicing in public procurement to prevent the proliferation of different formats of eInvoices in the Single Market.