
European Commission Digital

Updated figures for 2018 Q2 on the CEF Dashboard

The European Commission has published new figures for the second quarter of 2018 regarding the update of Digital Service Infrastructure (DSIs) financed through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

The figures show that their adoption is rising steadily. These figures can be consulted directly on the CEF Dashboard.

Focusing on the sectorial DSIs, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) and the European Data Portal have reached all-time highs in terms of their respective uptake.

Diving deeper into the aforementioned DSIs, ODR is now connected to a total of 387 resolution bodies across 29 countries. In terms of use, ODR has now received over 750,000 complaints from consumers since its launch in February 2016.

Secondly, 19 countries have deployed the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD), which is supported by the eProcurement DSI. In terms of use, the ESPD website received 412,817 unique visitors during last quarter, the highest number since the launch of the ESPD.

Finally, the European Data Portal financed by the Public Open Data DSI is continuing to grow. It now facilitates access to over 856,762 datasets from 34 countries. In terms of use, the number of dataset downloads has also reached an all-time high with 15,056 downloads in the second quarter of 2018 alone.

The European Commission updates the CEF Dashboard on a quarterly basis with new data and features to improve the visibility on the progress made by the DSIs and to enhance transparency.

To find out more visit the Monitoring Dashboard, the Reuse Watch and CEF Digital 2018.