
European Commission Digital

Grant Funding for CEF eID Available: Last call prior to eIDAS deadline

European Commission, 2018

Don't miss the  2018-1 CEF Telecom call Virtual Info Day on Thursday, 8. March 2018 - 10:00 CET

Supported by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the call for proposals (CEF-TC-2018-1) provides grant funding of up to € 7.5 million to support the adoption of CEF eID in Europe. CEF funding is provided to help you adopt CEF eID in your organisation, covering up to 75%* of the costs of implementation. The deadline for applications is 15 May 2018.

This call for proposals is the last chance for applicants to request grant funding supporting eID ahead of the legal deadline established by Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (known as the eIDAS Regulation). The actions funded under this call for proposals should result in an increased uptake of eIDAS eID (including related information on attributes, mandates and authorities).

According to the eIDAS regulation, the Member States are required to set-up an interoperability infrastructure (an eIDAS node) allowing for the mutual recognition of national eID schemes. For the benefit of citizens, businesses and public administrations, the Member States are also encouraged to connect as many e-services to this ecosystem as possible. They must therefore recognise the notified eIDs of other Member States by 29 September 2018.

The CEF eID Building Block Digital Service Infrastructure (DSI) is a set of services (including software, documentation, training and support) provided by the European Commission and endorsed by the Member States, which helps public administrations and private Service Providers to extend the use of their online services to citizens from other European countries.

Below you will find the key information needed to submit a grant proposal. However, you will need to read the Call Text, which outlines the objectives of the grant funding and how to apply, before submission. The Innovation & Networks Executive Agency (INEA) provides the call text and supporting information grants. INEA is responsible for organising CEF calls for proposals.

Who is eligible?

In accordance with the 2018 Work Programme and pursuant to Article 9 of the CEF Regulation, only those proposals submitted by one of the following types of applicants are eligible:

  • One or more Member States;
  • With the agreement of the Member State(s) or EEA countr(y)ies concerned, international organisations, Joint Undertakings,11 or public or private undertakings or bodies established in Member States.

For more detailed information (i.e. if you are from a candidate or third country etc.), be sure you read the call text thoroughly!

What is the funding for?

  1. eID DSI integration: Integrating the eID DSI (Digital Service Infrastructures) in existing e-services/systems/online platforms in various public or private sectors;
  2. Attributes enablement: Enabling attributes, mandates and authorities to be associated with electronic identities for cross-border use through the eIDAS node;
  3. Student mobility: Supporting student mobility by enabling students to identify themselves in a trusted manner across borders and thus benefit from the 'Once Only Principle' in higher education institutions.

What is the timetable?

Date of publication of call for proposals

22 February 2018

Deadline for the submission of proposals

15 May 2018 (17:00.00 Brussels time)

Evaluation of proposals

June-September 2018 (indicative)

Consultation of the CEF Committee

October 2018 (indicative)

Adoption of the Selection Decision

October 2018 (indicative)

Preparation and signature of grant agreements

between October 2018 and February 2019 (indicative)

Still have questions?