
European Commission Digital

CEF eSignature Validation Test Cases Published

Electronic signatures (eSignatures or e-signatures) help their users sign contracts or validate transactions with increased trust and security.

Supporting e-signing in Europe, the European Commission has launched eSignature validation test cases. These validation test cases help third parties to validate their implementation of eIDAS requirements regarding electronic signatures.

These test cases have been set up in order to help anyone testing an eSignature implementation (software providers, trust service providers, conformity assessment bodies, supervisory bodies, ...).

The test cases currently focus on the validation of the "qualification part" of qualified electronic signatures and seals based on trusted lists. The eIDAS Regulation defines three levels of electronic signature: simple, advanced and qualified.

Qualified electronic signatures are:

  • uniquely linked to and capable of identifying the signatory;
  • created in a way that allows the signatory to retain control;
  • linked to the document in a way that any subsequent change of the data is detectable.
  • created by a qualified signature creation device; and
  • based on a qualified certificate for electronic signatures.

Qualified certificates for electronic signatures are provided by (public and private) providers which have been granted a qualified status by a national competent authority as indicated in the national 'trusted lists' of the EU Member State.

Taking this into account and based on the validation algorithm guidelines QES, a list of tests cases has been identified to allow eSignature solution implementers to validate their solutions.

Signature validation test cases are part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eSignature Building Block, which helps public administrations and businesses to accelerate the creation and verification of electronic signatures.