
European Commission Digital

Call for SMEs to help identify new services for eTranslation

On behalf of the European Commission, the CEF Automated Translation Tools and Services consortium launched a survey in December 2020 to find out how European SMEs would like eTranslation (the CEF Automated Translation platform) to be improved and expanded to include new digital services. You can find the link to the survey below!

The survey focuses on four key areas identified as priorities by the European Commission: 

  • Summarisation: the ability to automatically distill the most relevant extracts and information from a longer text for the specific needs of the user; 
  • Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools: software providing assistance to professional translators manually translating a text; 
  • Classification: the automatic recognition of certain types of word, sentence, or documents, helping to label documents in large databases by domain/sector, or to recognise proper nouns as opposed to other words, helping with anonymisation;
  • Anonymisation: a filtering function for automatically removing/anonymising personal data from translated text; 
  • Text to speech and speech recognition capabilities. 

The survey will help identify which of these services SMEs are most interested in, which features of these services are most important to them, and which factors would pose the biggest obstacles to their use (e.g. cost). Data gathered by the survey will help build a picture of how eTranslation can grow in the future, and which specific use cases could help SMEs in their daily business.

If you work for or represent a European SME and want to help shape the future of eTranslation, take the survey below!