
European Commission Digital

Discover CEF Monitoring's brand new project dashboards

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With the latest release of the CEF Monitoring Guidebook, which gives a comprehensive overview of how we track the performance of digital services and initiatives funded under the CEF Telecom programme, the CEF Monitoring team has extended its scope. Our monitoring dashboards now cover all sector-specific Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs), Building Blocks and Connectivity Initiatives, such as the WiFi4EU initiative to provide more free, high-quality internet access to citizens across the EU. 

The extended scope of current CEF monitoring efforts was the perfect opportunity to revamp the layout of all our dashboards. For an overview of all the project dashboards, please visit this page

This revamped layout brings three new features that will vastly improve the user experience: 

One stop shop

    • Each dashboard now consists of a “one-stop shop”. This means that a single dashboard provides all the monitored indicators for a given project, such as uptake of the solution in question and funding monitoring;
    • “Overview” and “Highlights” sections help the user better contextualize the data monitored. (see Figure 1).

Latest information at a glance 

  • The dashboard front page provides an “at a glance” overview of the latest figures for each indicator group. 
  • If you want more information on the “Uptake” and “Reuse” indicator groups, you can simply click on the corresponding card (see Figure 1) for a more detailed view (see Figure 2).               

Enhanced user navigability

  • You may now easily switch between different dashboards using the vertical navigation menu, or between sections of the same dashboard by using the horizontal navigation menu (see above). The user can easily return from the detailed view of a single indicator to the overview page by clicking on the yellow button, as illustrated below. 

Want to see the bigger picture?

This article explains our new dashboard covering the entire CEF Telecom programme, with breakdowns of funding according to various criteria.